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David Nirenberg

Author of Anti-Judaism: The Western Tradition

9+ Works 519 Members 8 Reviews

About the Author

David Nirenberg is the Deborah R. and Edgar D. Jannotta Professor of Medieval History and Social Thought at the University of Chicago, where he is also director of the Neubauer Family Collegium for Culture and Society.

Includes the name: Professor David Nirenberg

Works by David Nirenberg

Associated Works

The Medieval World (2001) — Contributor — 61 copies


Common Knowledge



Anti-Judaism: The Western Tradition by David Nirenberg traces Jew-hatred from Pharaoh's time to the present. David Nirenberg, the author of that excellent book, admittedly a slow read, believed that many who don't like Jews never met an actual Jew. To his mind the phenomena comes from dislike of a strict system of law with which Jews are associated. To my mind it is more dislike of a people who are perceived as successful and abide by each country's laws. Different minority groups live in slums, and have pathologies such as non-attendance at schools, high dropout rates and crime.

The Jews are successful but never quite blend in. I think that dislike of Jews translates into dislike of Israel. I refer to this book often, and thus have upgraded my "four" to a "five."
… (more)
1 vote
JBGUSA | 4 other reviews | Jan 2, 2023 |
This is an absorbing study of the history of "anti-Judaism"--related to, but distinct from, antisemitism. Nirenberg isn't interested in the persecution of Jews as people as much as the ideas that have animated hatred of Jews and Judaism, even in the absence of Jews themselves. He examines the language surrounding Jews in the New Testament and the Quran, in medieval Spanish literature and modern philosophy. What Nirenberg shows is that anti-Judaism has been a continuous presence in western thought.… (more)
1 vote
arosoff | 4 other reviews | Jul 11, 2021 |
Platz 1 der SZ/NDR-Bestenliste Sachbücher im Mai 2015

Anti-Judaismus gilt als eine irrationale Abweichung vom westlichen Denkweg hin zu Freiheit, Toleranz und Fortschritt. David Nirenberg zeigt demgegenüber in seinem aufsehenerregenden Buch anhand zahlreicher – oft erschreckender – Belege von der Antike bis heute, dass die Distanzierung vom Judentum zum Kern des westlichen Denkens und Weltbilds gehört. Die Alten Ägypter verachteten ihre jüdischen Nachbarn als Fremde, die das Land angeblich im Dienste der Perser, Griechen oder Römer unterwanderten. Für die frühen Christen und Muslime waren die Juden Feinde der von Jesus oder Mohammed verkündeten Wahrheit. Spanische Inquisitoren strebten ebenso wie protestantische Reformatoren danach, ein heimliches Judentum aufzudecken und zu zerstören, von dem sie die Christenheit bedroht sahen. Die Aufklärung räumte mit diesem Feindbild keineswegs auf. Voltaire bekämpfte in Gestalt der Juden den Aberglauben, Kant die selbstverschuldete Unmündigkeit und Marx das Privateigentum. Die Gegner mit Juden zu identifizieren hat auch ohne reale Juden funktioniert. Aber immer wieder waren Juden (und nicht nur sie) reale Opfer eines Anti-Judaismus, der die Geschichte des Westens wie ein roter Faden durchzieht.… (more)
Paul_Levine_Library | 4 other reviews | Jun 5, 2020 |
The book presents the idea of thinking with Judaism as a major trope in Western thought. For me this was an enlightening and new perspective, particularly in regard to enlightenment and post-enlightenment thought.
bearymore | 4 other reviews | Mar 27, 2018 |



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