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Tony Taylor

Author of Fishing the River of Time

18+ Works 59 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Tony Taylor taught paleontology at universities in the U.K. and Australia before helping set up environmental policy in British Columbia. He lives in Sydney, Australia.

Works by Tony Taylor

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Common Knowledge



"This is really it," he thought. "I’m in a war. If you have to die in the morning, you might as well enjoy the night before."

In the middle of November, 1996, Wing headquarters in RAF Bentwaters/woodridge, England received a teletype listing sixty-eight piolts' names chosen to report to Southeast Asia, ASAP. Noticing an error with the twenty-third name, which was "Garbled in transmission", Seventh Air Force requested a repeat and six days after the initial message they received a new list with all names intact. However, number twenty-three, First Lieutenant Hoskins, James R., has already left to be married and went on vacation for his honeymoon.

That's where Steve Mylder comes in. Needing a replacement pilot, Lieutenant Mylder volunteers himself for the position before he even realizes what he's done. Although he and Hoskins are friends, they aren't exactly close and Steve shocks even himself with his hastey actions.

"He wasn’t a warlike type of guy, either, even though he was a fighter pilot and proud of it. It had just never occurred to him quite as viscerally as then that the central occupation of fighter pilots was fighting."

A few days later he gets his orders, and prepares to leave to fight in the war.

[b:Counters|19743470|Counters|Tony Taylor||16576254] by [a:Tony Taylor|8391629|Tony Taylor|] is a gripping story about a young fighter pilot who gets sent to fight in the Vietnam war. This isnt just a story about Steve Mylder being sent to war though, but of all the other fighter pilots he fought alongside of too. This story is about growing up, major life changing moments, friendships, loss and the aftermath of war, too. Wonderfully written with lighthearted humor and vivid details this historical war fiction will suck you in and leave you wishing for more.

The characters are all nicely fleshed out and the world building is great. Counters starts us off with an exciting prolouge of a vividly detailed first person POV of someone going through the motions of preparing to fly their plane and taking off. Its written so well you can almost imagine that you're the one truly experiencing it for yourself.

In fact, I found myself thinking "Wow, this author must have really done his research!" Only to find out later that most of his knowledge comes from experience and it definitely shows!

I don't normally read historical war fictions, but I would recommend this book to anyone who does or may have an interest in it.

**** I received an eBook copy of this title in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Booktasters for introducing me to this author and thank you to Tony Taylor for giving me the chance to read and review his work. ****
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Stories_to_live_by | Nov 29, 2017 |
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Religion, science, love, lust and asteroids. What more could you possibly ask for in a book? I really enjoyed reading this book and the ending was not as I had expected, which is always nice. Throughout the story there appears to be the underlying theme of science vs religion with Harris Mitchel the interplanetary navigator who discovers an asteroid on a collision course with earth and the fundamentalist Earnst Farnsworth, a Doctor of divinity who believes that Mitchel is (more or less) the Devil incarnate. I enjoyed the almost internal debate which occurred in this book and although the science appeared to have won out in the end, this book was written in such a way that science eventually gave way to religion in itself. Which i felt gave the book a nice symmetry. In addition to the symmetry with religion vs science there was also symmetry in the love lives of Harris and his colleague Dianna Muse-Jones. Both had marriages which were on the rocks due to their utmost devotion to their careers, which lead to their spouses have affairs (with each other!) and finally the coupling of Harris and Dianna who had (subconsciously?) been lusting over one another since their meeting.

Overall this book was packed with enough juicy cliff hangers to keep me wanting to read more although some of the chapters were slightly tedious. I would recommend this book to anyone with an interest in space as there are parts of the book which put you into the position of astronomers and the likes giving you a little taste of their professions. In addition to this there is some wonderful philosophical prose which really gets you thinking.
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Rachel_Sanders | 1 other review | Jan 4, 2016 |
This is a lovely book that at times blends Zen of the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance with Thoreau's Walden. Taylor reflects on life, nature, and education through the common theme of fishing. It's the sort of work that I'm likely to revisit multiple times. Time is explored in his opinions about geology, his own life and that of his grandson's. In doing so, it gives the reader multiple lenses through which to analyse consumerism and the effect that it is having on our lives and the environment.
kenno82 | Apr 2, 2013 |
Intelligent and Entertaining Science Fiction Novel

The Darkest Side of Saturn is an intelligent and entertaining science fiction novel from author Tony Taylor. Full of intrigue, the author has done an amazing job with his use of characters and his literary finesse.

A great mix of metaphysical, science, religion, romance, sex, fantasy and science fiction, this novel is sure to please readers of many genres.

Highly Recommended!!!
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Amanda_E | 1 other review | May 3, 2015 |


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