Patricia Wells (disambiguation)

"Patricia Wells" is composed of at least 2 distinct authors, divided by their works.

About the Author

Includes the name: Wells Patricia

Author Division

Patricia Wells (1)

Bistro Cooking (1989) 500 copies
Simple French Food (1974) — Introduction, some editions — 418 copies
Patricia Wells' Trattoria (1993) 330 copies
The Paris Cookbook (2001) 278 copies
The Provence Cookbook (1771) 202 copies
Simply French (1991) 180 copies
French Farmhouse Cookbook (1996) — Foreword, some editions — 160 copies
Vegetable Harvest (2007) 158 copies

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
1. Patricia Wells, cookbook author (1946-)
2. Patricia Wells, co-author of Jesus Means Life
3. Patricia Wells, soprano