
This group has become officially dormant. It happens. If you want to revive this group, or create a new group on the same topic, see this page.

For all 'Who done it' fans: The characters, the plot (lost or otherwise) the authors.

From Agatha to Wilkie. from Akunin to ....

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Just read ...2 unread / 2VictoriaPL, July 2008
Did the postman ring for you?5 unread / 5akfarrar, May 2008
Best you've ever read?12 unread / 12akfarrar, February 2008
Akunin or Christie?7 unread / 7akfarrar, December 2007
Why are we sharing only 2?3 unread / 3akfarrar, December 2007
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