Early ReviewersHalo Scot

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November 2022 Batch: 4 Books Offered

Giveaway Ended: November 28 at 06:00 pm EST

Corporate America: a psychopath’s wet dream. It’s Alex Osman’s playground.

Meet Alex. Alex is a single father. Alex is a psychopath. In public, he is a legend. In private, he is a madman. After losing his wife, he loses himself, drowning in crime to support his motherless kids. With the help of his imaginary friend, Bob (aka you, the reader), Alex rules Manhattan’s white-collar underworld, afraid to love again after crippling loss.

Then along comes Emma. Emma is a genius. Emma is dangerous. She sees something she shouldn’t, and Alex lets her live. Alex lets no one live. A game of cat and mouse escalates between them as threats and desire intertwine. After a safe life, Emma wants adventure, and Alex is a hurricane.

Then along comes a job. This job is a risk. This job is freedom. It pushes Alex to vicious extremes, but it could secure his kids’ futures. Everything he does, he does for them. Everyone he kills, he kills for them. Alex wants out, but he belongs in. Sin has teeth. Crime doesn’t commit itself, and freedom demands sacrifice.

Bob, you can’t trust Alex. He lies to everyone, including himself. His story is not what it seems.

“[A] sharp-edged satirical thriller. [...] Astringent prose is a plus. [...] Readers able to stomach gore will be entertained.” ― Publishers Weekly

CONTENT WARNING: I Will Kill You is a highly graphic psychological thriller intended for mature audiences, including on-page murder, death, torture, mutilation, sexual body horror, abuse, child abuse, substance abuse, violence, sex, and mental illnesses. This list is not comprehensive. Please read at your own risk.

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Horror, Suspense & Thriller
Offered by
halo_scot (Author)
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Five worlds compete in the Space Olympics to determine which should survive a supernova.

In a bleeding corner of space, the human race is dying. Again. They are good at dying. Millennia ago, they died on Earth. Soon, they’ll die here, under their second sun. Death chases them. Tag, you’re it. And so, they run.

Their sun is ready to supernova. She is dying, and they will follow. The ancient seedship, their last hope, can only fit a single colony. Their people have thrived and grown since Earth’s exodus, but there is not enough room to save them all. To determine a worthy survivor, five worlds will fight in the Space Olympics. One will win, will live on, fly far, fly free. The rest will join the stars.

From three different worlds, Camroc, Bazi, and Ketra—an athlete, reporter, and princess—fight for their right to survive.

CONTENT WARNING: Though Burn the Sun is not as dark as some of Halo’s book monsters, it does contain several graphic and disturbing scenes. Reader discretion is advised.

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Fantasy, Science Fiction, LGBTQ+
Offered by
halo_scot (Author)
Book InformationLibraryThing Work Page
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Secrets are sentient. In the far, foreign future, a deep-space mission turns catastrophic when the crew’s personal demons become literal demons and seek revenge.

The Ward gathers broken souls for doomed missions. RJ, Kaj, Mazha, and Jace fit the bill perfectly…perhaps too perfectly. A criminal past, a dangerous dream, a tragic accident, and an unbearable shame comprise the secrets that haunt and consume them. They run from their pasts, escape toward their futures, and when the Ward opens a door, they all barrel through, leaving the Protectorate’s interstellar sanctuary for a paycheck and adrenaline.

Once in deep space, however, the secrets they buried burst free from their graves and gain a murderous sentience intent on revenge. The four crewmates must fight to overcome their deepest regrets, or their secrets will destroy them.

But secrets are mortal wounds. They don’t heal easily…and they don’t like to heal, either.

CONTENT WARNING: The Mortality Experiment is a highly graphic novel intended for mature audiences, including on-page murder, death, torture, mutilation, abuse, child abuse, substance abuse, violence, sex, rape, incest, and mental illnesses. This list is not comprehensive. Please read at your own risk.

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Science Fiction, LGBTQ+, Horror
Offered by
halo_scot (Author)
Book InformationLibraryThing Work Page
Batch Closed

In the heart of America’s Second Dust Bowl, amid drought and raging heat, Isobel Walsh weaves a web to survive.

There is a strange new girl at Happy Hearts.

The strange new girl says strange new things.

“Daddy’s ashes. Mommy’s ashes. Sissy and Buddy both fell down,” she says.

“There’s something wrong with Isobel,” they all say.

Isobel has behaved, though. She hasn’t hurt anyone since she arrived. She hurt many before she arrived, but so have all those here. They’re murder babies, parent killers. Happy Hearts is a homeless shelter for little girls and boys who never grew up.

“Play with me. I like games,” Isobel says.

So the residents play her games. She makes them jump. She makes them dance. She makes them laugh, and she makes them cry. They think they’re winning, but nobody wins Isobel’s games. It’s fun for her. They pretend it’s fun for them, too.

Yes, Isobel Walsh is a strange new girl in a strange new world saying strange new things. Though she’s more gun than girl, more weapon than woman, twenty-five years old in a world made of clay.

CONTENT WARNING: Girl of Dust and Smoke is a disturbing novella intended for mature audiences, including murder, death, violence, sex, incest, rape, sexual assault, underage sex, child abuse, and prostitution. This list is not comprehensive. Please read at your own risk.

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LGBTQ+, Horror, Suspense & Thriller
Offered by
halo_scot (Author)
Book InformationLibraryThing Work Page
Batch Closed