Early ReviewersJ.D. McKelvin

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May 2024 Batch

Giveaway Ended: May 28 at 06:00 pm EDT

In Gaze of the Burning Eye we journey to an enchanted empire where monsters quake before men.

Princess Lyudmyla could be forgiven for not paying much attention to the cryptic eye that opened on the sun 300 years ago. The same can’t be said for the shape-shifting Jinni who lost their powers and were forced into hiding, exile, or worse. Even after centuries of war and dozens of failed prophecies, the eye has hovered there, showing no concern for the chaos below.

From the rugged Kievan Rus to the decadent splendor of the Imperial Palace of Elys. Gaze of the Burning Eye follows Lyudmyla, whose acclaim as a falconer and attempts to sabotage her brother's strategic marriage go awry. Her world explodes when she is swept away by a betrayal and forced to live as a prisoner and a pawn to her enemies.

Adversaries surround her, a mysterious outlaw appeals for her heart, and there’s more to the ‘Eye’ than meets the eye. Her survival may demand that she embrace the ways of these cruel watchers -- or that she seize their throne.

Come, venture beyond the veil but tell no one what you've seen. The Watcher never sleeps.

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Fantasy, Historical Fiction
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JDMcKelvin (Author)
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