Publisher SeriesBiblioteca Osprey Grecia y Roma

The Greek and Persian Wars 499-386 BC by Philip de Souza 114 copies, 1 review1
Marathon 490 BC: The First Persian Invasion of Greece by Nicholas Sekunda 91 copies2
Thermopylae 480 BC: Last Stand of the 300 by Nic Fields 113 copies3
The Spartan Army by Nicholas Sekunda 93 copies4
The Persian Army 560-330 BC by Nicholas Sekunda 84 copies, 1 review5
The Greek and Persian Wars 500-323 BC by Jack Cassin-Scott 110 copies, 1 review6
The Peloponnesian War 431-404 BC by Philip De Souza 108 copies7
Syracuse 415-413 BC: Destruction of the Athenian Imperial Fleet by Nic Fields 64 copies8
Greek Hoplite, 480–323 BC by Nicholas Sekunda 99 copies9
Ancient Greek Warship: 500-322 BC by Nic Fields 58 copies10
Ancient Greek Fortifications 500-300 BC by Nic Fields 61 copies, 1 review11
Alexander 334-323 BC: Conquest of the Persian Empire by John Warry 136 copies12
Granicus 334BC: Alexander's First Persian Victory by Michael Thompson 50 copies13
The Army of Alexander the Great by Nicholas Sekunda 117 copies, 1 review14
Ancient Siege Warfare: Persians, Greeks, Carthaginians and Romans 546-146 BC by Duncan Campbell 49 copies15
The Thracians 700 BC-AD 46 by Christopher Webber 82 copies, 1 review16
Macedonian Warrior: Alexander's Elite Infantryman by Waldemar Heckel 62 copies17
Troy C. 1700-1250 BC by Nic Fields 117 copies, 1 review18
The Mycenaeans c.1650-1100 BC (Elite) by Nicolas Grguric 55 copies, 1 review19
Early Roman Armies by Nicholas Sekunda 82 copies, 2 reviews20
El ejército de la República - La República II (Biblioteca Osprey Grecia y Roma 21) by Nicholas Sekunda 2 copies21
Celtic Warrior, 300 BC–AD 100 by Stephen Allen 100 copies, 1 review22
The Roman Army of the Punic Wars 264-146 BC by Nic Fields 51 copies, 2 reviews23
Auge de Julio César - La Guerra de las Galias (Biblioteca Osprey Grecia y Roma 25) by Peter Wilcox 1 copy25
Pharsalus 48 BC: Caesar and Pompey - Clash of the Titans by Si Sheppard 77 copies, 1 review26
Philippi 42 BC: The Death of the Roman Republic by Si Sheppard 50 copies, 1 review27
The Roman Army: the Civil Wars 88-31 BC by Nic Fields 44 copies, 1 review28
Roman Legionary, 58 BC–AD 69 by Ross Cowan 101 copies, 1 review29
The Praetorian Guard by Boris Rankov 78 copies30
Imperial Roman Legionary, AD 161–284 by Ross Cowan 63 copies31
Gladiators, 100 BC–AD 200 by Stephen Wisdom 70 copies32
Siege Warfare in the Roman World: 146 BC-AD 378 by Duncan B Campbell 63 copies34
The Walls of Rome by Nic Fields 54 copies, 1 review34
Rome at War 293-696 AD by Michael Whitby 94 copies35
Hadrian's Wall AD 122-410 by Nic Fields 98 copies36
Late Roman Infantryman, AD 236–565 by Simon MacDowall 91 copies37
Germanic Warrior, AD 236–568 by Simon MacDowall 108 copies, 1 review38
The Hun: Scourge of God, AD 375–565 by Nic Fields 44 copies, 2 reviews39

