Real Name
AlTonya Washington
About My Library
You'll find my library to be diverse and surprising. My interests are very unpredictable and that's what makes reading (and writing) such a fun journey.
About Me
AlTonya Washington has been a romance novelist for 15 years. She’s traditionally, independently and scholarly published, a winner of the Romance Slam Jam EMMA Award, and two-time winner of The Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer's Choice Award. In October 2019 she received The Reading Warriors Choice Leslie Esdaile Banks Trailblazer Award.

She's a book nut, film buff and music junkie (almost any music from the early 2000s or before) She enjoys writing in an array of genres: T. Onyx for erotica, Ally Fleming for interracial romantic suspense and Temple Carver for mainstream romantic suspense. She's best known for her long-running Ramsey/Tesano multicultural romantic suspense series and will release Book of Scandal: The Tesano Elders in Fall 2019. AlTonya is a mom and works as a Reference Librarian.
North Carolina
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