
About Me
Dielle Ciesco specializes in the transformational power of the voice to heal and connect us with our own Divinity. She is passionate about every Voice, be it the one we use everyday to communicate, the ones we hear inside our heads, the silent voice of wisdom, voices raised in song, or the ones that call us to awaken. The creator of Vocal Toning Meditation, Shamanic Voicework, and Toning for Peace, she is also a DNAvatar, CyberShamanic Dance Wave host, and a featured vocalist on the TLC series with Visionary Music, creators of DNA Activation music. With over 18 years experience as a performer, teacher and healing facilitator, Dielle blends her experiences in vocal toning, sacred sound, meditation, Toltec & Bon shamanism, multidimensional music, Reiki Tummo, coaching, and teaching to assist clients in discovering a deeper connection to their inner truth and wisdom. She teaches workshops, writes, sings, makes art, and works one-on-one with clients. The Unknown Mother is her first book.

Dielle offers 1:1 sessions in voicework via Skype and in the Asheville, NC area. Workshops and other events are offered at various times throughout the year.
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