
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Aug 20, 2012
About My Library
I have several boxes (10-14) of books that I have not seen since I moved in 2006, some read, some not, some are listed here, most are not. Some listed are mine by my choice, some had been in my mother's house for years; some of hers are also still in boxes. Many in all categories are due to be moved along... but that is a hard shift to make - from keeping to giving away.
About Me
When I was not quite a teen, I was incapacitated to a large degree by an injury... thank god for modern surgical wonders. During the year of my limited mobility - 1955, I discovered The Scarlet Pimpernel and Forever Amber and in my freshman year - '61-62, A Tale of Two Cities and Vanity Fair sealed my fate. Thus I became a consummate lover of historical romance; my taste now tends to require a sound historical connection.

1985 - Communications Studies, University of Windsor, Ontario