
crochet (4), tatting (3)
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Jan 16, 2008
About My Library
As of Jan 2008, this is just the fiction-ish books and is not entirely complete. Furthermore, most of the young adult (and all the children) books aren't listed yet.

Note: There are some under-represented authors (Notably Steven Brust, Guy Gavriel Kay, Neil Gaiman, and Charles De Lint), since I have currently restricted my listing to books I own on my shelves (as opposed to other books that happen to be on my shelves, that I would probably buy if I did not already have easy access to).

Note on Stars: My rankings are for the most part relative to other books that I own, rather than to the whole collection of books I've read. At the moment, books marked 3 or higher I would consider good books. Books with 4 or 5 stars are likely to be those I've re-read (often multiple times for the shorter books) and would recommend to others. Books with 5 stars are those I thought had some awesome-ness aspect, but can't really explain why. There is one book marked with 5 stars that I think I read four or five times in about as many months (I'm not entirely sure why I did, but I had already re-read a large portion of my library, and was short on new books). Another was at one point the only book I had re-read, and at a later point the only book I had re-read multiple times (around five when all others I had re-read were at most once).
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