
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jan 31, 2009
About My Library
I tend to stick with Fantasy/Romance/Adventure books. But I do like the occasional Psychological Thriller, or Murder. It's composed of children's books, adult books, young adult books.
About Me
I am a bibliophile. Reading is my passion. Books deny me nothing, do not judge me and take me to a place where my heart is free to soar.
I like hanging with my friends.
I am always trying to catch up on sleep.
I like to dance in the shower.
I sing under my breath.
I tend to stare at people as they walk by.
I'm looking for a job. It's not getting anywhere.
I'm single. I like it, but...I'd really like to find someone...
I make up stories in my head.
I'm working on writing a book. Or well I'm trying...
I have to be a mom for my roommate.
I laugh obnoxiously.
I love the smell of rain and the sound of thunder.
I don't like the ocean, but only because its salty.
I love musicals. Wicked made me cry with happiness. Yeah.
I have a huge anime/manga obsession. You really don't want to know...
Underneath a canopy of trees as the rain continues to fall
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