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May 24, 2013
Real Name
Katherine F White
About My Library
I was a very keen Puffin Club member in my youth so I'm starting with my small collection of Puffin books (children's). In time I will add some old Pan and Corgi books because to my mind they're more obscure and therefore more interesting. Favourite authors include Mary Renault, Tolkien, Thomas Hardy, Georgette Heyer (although I can never remember one book from another), Catherine Cookson, Alan Garner, Jasper Fforde, Marion Bradley, Jean M Auel and early Terry Pratchett. For romance my favourites are Louise Allen and Barbara Monajem, Marguerite Kaye, Juliet Landon, Elizabeth Bailey, Francesca Shaw, Nicola Cornick, Candace Camp, Tracey Anne Warren...well, quite a few actually so I'll stop there before I bore everybody.
About Me
I am a writer of historical romantic adventures looking for a publisher, with eclectic tastes in reading. I am also a collector of antiquarian books and 1970s magazines and I restore 1960s and 1970s dolls. I have a naughty tendency to give up on books that don't hook me quickly; I have recently given up on Golding's "Pincher Martin" for this reason but am getting on surprisingly well with Xenophon's "The Persian Expedition" whilst also reading a Louise Allen Regency romance for pure pleasure.
In real life I have been an historian, archaeologist, teacher and Special Needs co-ordinator and education officer in a museum; I am currently assistant curator in one. And likely to stay that way, until my dreams of publication become a reality...
United Kingdom
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