
About Me
Ryan Forsythe is a writer, editor, teacher, artist, and dad. Originally from Cleveland, he now lives in Southern California, though he calls the mythical State of Jefferson home.

Ryan is the author of 'The Little Veal Cutlet That Couldn't,' a children's book for adults, and 'Dick Cheney Saves Paris: a personal and political madcap sci-fi meta- anti- novel,' released by Love Earth Publications on 8/30/11, the same day Cheney's own memoir came out. His short stories have appeared in numerous journals, including Bananafish, Escaping Elsewhere, Heat City Review, Jersey Devil Press, Murky Fringe, NFG, and Toyon.

Ryan has an MA in Teaching Writing from Humboldt State University, and is presently completing his MFA in Fiction at San Diego State University, where he also serves as Assistant Editor with Fiction International.
San Diego
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