Real Name
Talie Helene (cunning username, I know.)
About My Library
I own more than 201 books - I need to invest in a paid account sometime! (Or you could just swing by my Shelfari, where I *do* update my library details.)
About Me
I'm a musician & writer [imagine my great wealth!]

My interests are interdisciplinary across the arts - I love music, literature, film, and visual arts. My dream gig would be to make a living writing fiction and scoring films, and I'm pushing through studies in both fields. I appreciate quality regardless of genre, but if pressed to choose fave genres - for story it's horror, and musically I'm split between metal and baroque. (Isn't there an overlap somewhere in there?)

I currently work as a journalist, and freelance copywriter and editor - with odd bits of other work in event management. I'm fortunate to be a staff writer for Zero Tolerance Magazine [], arguably the finest extreme music publication on the planet.

I'm pro-actively involved in both the Australian metal community, and the Australian speculative fiction community [on the darker side, personally]. You can follow where I'm publishing, and what I'm working on musically, by visiting my MySpace page.

If you're into the darker side of music, film or storytelling, I'm probably going to enjoy having you as a contact. Cheers!

Melbourne, Australia
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