
Aug 12, 2008
About My Library
I don't have a favorite genre of books. I just like to read anything good.
About Me
I can't open popsicles because I hate the feeling of the paper they're in. I don't sleep very well. I am in love with laughter. I don't like to eat meat. I don't have a favorite color. I like to read. I tend to be kind of passive. I like letters. I'm really open-minded. I'm never sure of anything. I like to write. Sometimes when I'm driving in my car alone, I'll sing at the top of my lungs; it's kind of liberating. I am scared of everything. I love music. I always leave the cap off of the toothpaste. I don't really watch televison. I have a phobia of vomit. I like art, any form of it. I tend to get super quiet when I'm in a car going anywhere with anyone. I wear un-matching socks. I drink tea. I'm a fan of simple pleasures. I day dream alot. I like listening to people. I over-analyze pretty much everything. If the rain is warm, I'll get the urge to run in it. I always appear to be quiet, but I open up when I'm comfortable. I won't initiate conversation with a stranger, but I will try to keep one going. I like breathing in fresh air. I rarely brush my hair. Sometimes I wander around. I remember alot of little things that most people would forget. I'm still figuring myself out.
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