
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
May 7, 2008
About My Library
It's about 200 books crammed into and overflowing from a cheap particle board bookcase that was handed down to me about 5 years ago. Luckily, my sweet love has volunteered to construct a bookcase of mahogany. Until then, I have to settle for books on the floor, stacked two deep and buckling the shelves.
About Me
Claims to Fame: Bachelor of Fine Arts from University of Michigan, professional oil painter with several juried shows, frantic manga/comic artist, won second place in potato sack race in the 3rd grade. My best friend went insane and married me. I can't stand apathy (come on, people,ya gotta care about something)or people who think video games are turning kids into either mindless zombies or rampaging maniacs (neither are true, folks). I also loathe pork and spiders. However, I love kiwi fruit.
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