Real Name
Rob Vens
About My Library
My library started out with science fiction pockets. At one time in my life I sold them all (being broke and wanting to buy a racing bike). Still regretting that!
After that my interest, besides science fiction, led to acquiring a lot of books in the esoterism category: theosophy being the starting point. My interests are very broad, from general philosophy to hard science, to spirituality. The riddle of life is a joy in solving. That there is probably no real solution doesn't bother me: the joy is in the awe and wonder!
Since I endeavor to add all my books you will also encounter many books on computer science since that is my paying occupation, but you can filter them out using the collections.
About Me
I know there are more voracious readers than me - I know of one (being an inspiration to me professionally) who states he has read on average one book per day in his life. Life is too short to even be able to read all the "best" books...!
Usquert, The Netherlands
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