search syntax please help

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search syntax please help

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May 14, 2012, 10:11 am

Hi! is a screen print made at Dom M. Basil Pennington, O.C.S.O. (1931–2005).

It was made with the using the VIAF bookmarklet tool.

The Disambiguation Notice shows:
(yid)VIAF:61550617 (viafMain)

These are authority control numbers used by librarians.

If each language contains only one value one can identify these vauels with simple links as: - OK - fails

1) What is the syntax to search for "GND(optionaly colons and sigits only)188493018" ?
2) What is the syntax to search for "GND(colons, digits, optionaly with one minus only , optionaly one X only )188040021"

Thanks for any help! Regards I need to leave ...

May 14, 2012, 4:36 pm

It may not be obvious to you from the description of the group, but this group is for general questions about life, the world, and so forth. Questions about LibraryThing should be addressed in groups specific to it, as for example:


May 14, 2012, 5:13 pm

>2 Mr.Durick: No sorry. It was not obvious for me. This is no bug, no RSI, no FAQ. It is not my first question and I normally get useful answers here.

May 16, 2012, 9:16 am

I really need help importing my books from Goodreads. I've been trying for weeks and I've just about given up. It's not worth my time to import over 200 reviews and I can't seem to find any help anywhere.

Is there anybody that can help me? I'm getting so discouraged! That's unusual for me, I'm an eternal optimist and want to belong but the thought of manually importing all of my reviews from Goodreads is unfathomable. I don't have the time or the energy.

The few times I tried it came back that the ISBN # was incorrect for the first 6 books which I know isn't so as they are Amazon books that I got from my Kindle, they're almost all from my Kindle, Blog Tours, ARC's from the publishers that were published after pub. date...... grrrr.....

LOL, anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated!


May 16, 2012, 9:40 am

>4 Kristi_TheBookFaery: Hi Kristi

you might get more help by starting a new topic in a different group, perhaps

There is some help on import at but I am not sure that there is anything helpful about importing reviews

Amazon often works with ASIN numbers rather than ISBNs - are you sure that they were ISBNs?