Change colons in title to commas when using green/pink plus

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Change colons in title to commas when using green/pink plus

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Nov 2, 2012, 4:01 pm

The Subject should be self-explanatory, really. I know that all bugs and suggestions related to Add Books have been deferred for some time for the Great Redo, but hopefully if the need for this isn't obsoleted by that change this can squeak in with it; finding where the code that needs to be changed is will probably take longer than actually making this change.

As it is, whenever you use the plus on a book with a subtitle, it will fail, and you'll need to manually replace the colon with a comma, in which case it will work. (At least, this is the case for library sources. I use Amazon only as a last resort, and haven't tested it in that case. I only rarely use the pluses anyway, so I haven't tested them exhaustively.)

Mar 24, 2015, 1:15 pm

Bump. This is still an issue, at least for Library of Congress searches.

Jun 22, 2017, 3:43 pm

Bump. This would be a trivial fix. It's easy enough for the user to fix each title once they know this is an issue, but how many people will realize what's going on?

Oct 23, 2017, 9:56 am

Bump. Here is a book that might help with this:

Mastering Regular Expressions

Seriously, this is trivial. As I said five years ago, finding the offending line of code would be the most time-consuming part of this fix.

Oct 23, 2017, 10:09 am

I didn't realise replacing colon with comma is proper, I usually end up deleting the subtitle or replacing it (using a comma) with other identifying information. So certainly the fix would be welcome, especially for those of us unfamiliar with proper search syntax despite being regular LT users.

Oct 23, 2017, 11:01 am

>5 elenchus:

At least one of us is confused; the colon is in fact the correct delimiter for the title, it's just not parsed correctly by at least some of the Add Books sources. I'm not proposing any changes to how the *actual titles* are stored on LT, just to the query passed for search.

Title: An Identifying Subtitle

is how it should appear in your catalog, but if you enter that into the Add Books search, or click on the plus from a work page, it will fail. But

Title, An Identifying Subtitle

will succeed, on the same source. (Yeah, you can choose to delete it and add author or something else instead, but this sort of thing: "If you see a colon in the Add Books search string, replace it with a comma" is the sort of thing that software is very good at, which is why it's ludicrous that we are expected to do it ourselves instead.)

Oct 23, 2017, 11:11 am

Good clarification -- I meant only to replace the colon in the search window, as you propose, and not in the catalogue title. But I see my description was not clear on that point.