80s book about chubby kid who is a loner has a seashell and can hit the hell out of a softball

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80s book about chubby kid who is a loner has a seashell and can hit the hell out of a softball

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Edited: Mar 18, 2014, 1:29 am

The book is about a chubby kid who gets picked on at school a lot because he's chubby. He lives with his single mom who works a lot but who also plays softball. Turns out, the kid is great at hitting, but has never shown any of the other kids at all he can hit. Also, his prized possession is a sea shell that is olive colored.

Edited: Mar 19, 2014, 5:14 am

Google Books search
"sea shell" olive hitting ball subject:"juvenile fiction"

Last Was Lloyd
Doris B. Smith
Viking Press, 1981 - Juvenile Fiction - 124 pages
A friendless, overweight 12-year-old with an overprotective mother begins to change. He's been practicing with his mother's softball team, but keeps it a secret that he's probably the best hitter in town.

Last was Lloyd

Mar 20, 2014, 7:56 pm

That's the one! You are the best. I remember reading this book over and over. Thanks so much for your help.