Plot versus my inner monologue

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Plot versus my inner monologue

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Aug 6, 2007, 2:01 pm

Sometimes when I read I have these intense internal debates. Right now I am reading The Psychology of Love (a book of research articles on love and theories of love) and I find myself having strong reactions. I'll pull out a pen and write questions in the margins of the book, or underline statements ferociously while muttering to myself. Sometimes I find myself disagreeing with myself about what I disagree with. Does anyone else do that? What types of books make you react that way? It's usually non fiction for me.

Aug 7, 2007, 5:11 am

If I find myself disagreeing with a book too often I'll stop reading it - doesn't happen that often though, most authors manage to at least keep some form of coherance in their arguments. I can cope with a an argument that is soundly reasoned even if I don't agree with it, but poor arguments that are full of holes I'll abandon. I don't read a lot of non-fiction though.

Similarly with fiction if the characters act belivably for their setting I'm fine, but unexplained deviations from normal behavior annoy me.

I'll never write in the book though.

Aug 14, 2008, 3:16 am

I find myself debating with myself over the most random things that I read. Some phrase will just stick in my head and I won't be able to continue reading until my thoughts have played themselves through.

I read mostly fiction too, so it might even be a joke or image conjured up that will set my mind going.

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