Adding comics


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Adding comics

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Aug 17, 2014, 10:32 am

Is there a good source for adding older comics to my LT collections? It seems to me that I may have to add my ECs individually?

Aug 17, 2014, 5:25 pm

Not really. Manually and one by one is the way to go I am afraid.

Aug 17, 2014, 11:55 pm

Try They have some isbn's for comic books.

Aug 18, 2014, 1:57 am

If they are collections, amazon will pull them. But for individual old issues, even when they are there, you need to clean up the records most of the time.

Aug 18, 2014, 10:09 am

Yes, Amazon works for newer comics, but not older, golden age comics.

Thanks guys, I thought some of the college sites would have them but so far no joy. Some schools do have comic collections but they must not be listed in the main catalog because nothing comes up.


Nov 13, 2014, 6:30 pm

Even if college libraries have them catalogued, they'll be catalogued as a periodical. That is, one record for the series, and all the individual issues linked back to that one record.

Which means if you wanted to add each issue separately, that still wouldn't help you.

You can sometimes see this with tpbs too, or manga volumes, when you add say volume 7 from a library catalogue and LT tells you you've got a duplicate of volume 1, because they've catalogued it as if it were a periodical.

Edited: Apr 3, 2015, 10:32 am

Some libraries may catalog TPBs/manga TPBs as periodicals, but, really most don't. They catalog them as Graphic Novels mostly, and definitely as books.

But, yeah, there are so few libraries that actually get the individual issues of comics that it's probably gonna be a pain to find a lot of them already in LT.

ETA: Oh, and a library would never ever (or shouldn't, and if you find it like that it's probably a mistake) catalog a TPB, hardcover, softcover, whatever as a periodical. Manga and comic volume collections are just that collection books, and 99.999% of the time cataloged as books.

Mar 27, 2019, 1:52 am

Can comic books be scanned in? New just purchased ones, that is.

Mar 27, 2019, 4:58 am

>8 quondame:

How do you mean scanned in?
If they have an ISBN that can be scanned.

If you mean can images of the pages be scanned in? Then, no, LT doesn't hold scans of books and comics, it is a cataloguing site.

Mar 27, 2019, 10:18 am

>9 andyl: They don't have ISBNs, but just UPC-A codes as far as I can tell. These are just single comics.

Mar 27, 2019, 12:04 pm

I don't know if you can scan them and find them on Amazon. You stand a good chance of finding them on Amazon with a title search (at least that has been my experience with the few comics issues I have).

Apr 2, 2019, 4:42 pm

>10 quondame: Since Amazon now also owns Comixology you may find some crossover if you search the Amazon source, but, it's gonna get very screwed up with the TPBs because of Amazon's bad data. Not to mention, some of the titles of the titles are so long that by the time you get to #1 or #30 or whatever, it's already combined with the TPB that starts with the same words/title and that has to be uncombined.

As I said libraries don't do well with floppies and single issues because we don't see them a lot, so, it's not the biggest surprise that LT doesn't do perfectly with them either. After all they're basically monthly magazines, and LT definitely doesn't like magazines. :)

Apr 2, 2019, 5:54 pm

>12 DanieXJ: It is sad. Magazines need cataloging, though it would be great to just specify a title and have a check form for issues - or even years. Comics are so much less ephemera than previously and that goes for a good number of many magazines as well.

Edited: Apr 2, 2019, 6:33 pm

>13 quondame: I think that one of the reasons that magazines never really got popular to put here is that a) most people don't collect them like they do books. I know I don't. and b) most things on here revolve around the ISBN and now a little bit around the ASIN, both very bookish numbers.

I will say that it looks like on at least some of the comics (I looked up Batman #1000) do have ASINs (i.e. B07NPXPRR1), so, I'm not sure if that'd work with LT or not, never tried it. (Of course, the problem would be that it would be an extra step to look up the ASIN because it's not on the back of the floppy).

ETA: Okay, I've tried it. When I put in the title it sorta finds issues, and, when I put in the ASIN it most definitely finds the same issue that I found on, it just has horrible data in the title (when it comes out and such, ugh, Amazon).

Apr 2, 2019, 6:49 pm

>14 DanieXJ: Thanks for checking. I only subscribe to 1 magazine, but I've kept or acquired every issue - it is a craft magazine so it isn't too limited by the concept of current. But ever since old comics started going for the big buck, the number collected has skyrocketed, so a good tracking system must exist somewhere. Just not here, I guess.

Apr 6, 2019, 11:40 am

>15 quondame: Have you tried if I recall you can indeed 'save' individual issues.

Apr 6, 2019, 5:13 pm

>16 DanieXJ: Nope. My goal in asking was more about entering them in LT - my husband gave me a pile of The Dreaming etc to read and I was wondering if I could enter them into LT. No doubt the collected versions of all the titles will be LT compatable.

I'll check out comicbookdb!