Children's books on mental illness

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Children's books on mental illness

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Apr 4, 2015, 11:36 pm

Hello! I am a new member of the group...I am an author of picture books for kids.
Just wondering...
Does anyone have any views on children's books about mental illness and why there is still such a stigma. Just wanted to get some insight for my research.

Thanks, Tracy

May 17, 2015, 6:17 pm

I'm not sure how relevant this is, but rather than see this thread sink like a stone, my daughter and I have just started 'Caeau Fflandrys', the Welsh translation of Michael Morpurgo's Private Peaceful.

Not mental illness, I know, but the narrator and Wil's elder brother Sam Mawr (names will be different in the English original) was brain-damaged at birth. We're only two chapters into the book, but Sam's character has been one of the story's drivers so far. I've no idea how it's going to work out.