Laetare Medal to Joe Biden?

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Laetare Medal to Joe Biden?

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Apr 8, 2016, 10:12 am

I was disppointed but not all that surprised to hear that Notre Dame chose to given the Laetare Medal to Joe Biden and John Boehner. I'm not a big fan of giving the medal to any politician. But Joe Biden? He hasn't done anything. I didn't even know he was Catholic.

Previous winners include Civil War Gen. William Rosecrans, Phyllis McGinley, Dorothy Day, Claire Boothe Luce, Paul Horgan, J. Peter Grace, Helen Hayes, Theodore Hesburgh, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Walker Percy, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, Dave Brubeck, Mary Ann Glendon, and Dana Gioia.

Apr 9, 2016, 10:16 am

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