Science Fiction, parallel universes

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Science Fiction, parallel universes

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Edited: Feb 3, 2017, 12:32 am

What sticks in my mind is the cover - a couple in a misty landscape with a leopard in the foreground. I thought it was called Timeslip and was by Gordon Dickson, but it seems not unless it's a variant UK title.

Basically, the story is about a man traversing a landscape which is crossing parallel universes. In the course of this journey, he meets and travels with a leopard and a woman. Mist features in the story - I think it flags the crossing between universes.

I'm pretty sure this was a UK edition, probably published in the 1980s.

Feb 3, 2017, 5:49 am

I think you are looking for Time Storm by Gordon R. Dickson.

Feb 3, 2017, 7:59 am

That's it! Thanks!

The cover I remember is the Sphere cover.