Newbie question about series editing

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Newbie question about series editing

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Jun 1, 2018, 2:59 pm

Hello! Trying to get back into cataloging my home library on this site after a ten year gap. I added my copy of The Novels of Louisa May Alcott ISBN 0681219068. However, this ISBN has been added to the series "Companion Library" and my book is *not* part of this series. How can I eliminate the association of this ISBN with the series "Companion Library?" Can I just delete the data in the Common knowledge field(s)? Sorry if I should be looking elsewhere for this knowledge. help articles seem to back me up, but I'm not sure how LibraryThing works quite yet. I'm coming here from goodreads, on which site I'm a "librarian" and they are quite ticklish about editing things. Is there any other sort of manual about these sorts of questions? Thank you!

Edited: Jun 1, 2018, 4:52 pm

I've cleaned it up a bit.

Many of the works in the Companion Library series may well be exclusive to that publisher, but in this case several different publishers have published the combination, so it does not belong there.

Jun 1, 2018, 5:44 pm

>2 MarthaJeanne: Should Companion Library then be a publisher series?

Edited: Jun 1, 2018, 7:19 pm

There is a Companion Library publisher series. I personally would think that having them all together would make sense. But obviously someone felt otherwise, and I don't really care as long as books that have other publishers are in the publishers series. Most of the combinations are excentric enough that there will not be other editions.

As a side note: Little Women was followed by Good Wives. Then combined editions were published as Little Women, making attempts to distinguish what is actually in these books rather difficult.

To respond to the question raised in >1 Minka:. If there is wrong information in CK, you are free to change it. In the case of 'series' where the book is also in editions that are not part of the series, it is polite to move the series down to Publisher Series. My first move was to check whether this was primarily a combining problem, but it soon became obvious that your book belonged in the work.

Jun 1, 2018, 9:24 pm

>4 MarthaJeanne: >1 Minka: I would also add that Common Knowledge applies to everyone's books, not just yours, so you are not simply editing your copy if you delete the information but everyone's. That said, if the info is wrong by all means fix it.