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Mar 11, 2020, 6:24 pm

Started out with New Super-Man by Gene Luen Yang. It's a nice take on a Superman from mainland China. I enjoyed it. It's nice to see a riff/homage on mainstream heroes while still set in the same universe.

Also read The Fade Out by Ed Brubaker. I like Noir and this gave me the fix I needed. Great colors, good setting with 40's Hollywood as the backdrop.

Currently reading Abbott which I'm really digging. 70s Detroit, supernatural murders, and a journalist investigating. Good, hard-boiled stuff. Great colors, too.

Mar 11, 2020, 10:21 pm

I'm mostly sticking to YA/lighter fare this month: Shadow of the Batgirl, Slam, Vol. 1, and The Way of the Househusband.

The exception is the classic League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1, which is my book club read this month.

>1 brianjungwi: Speaking of said book club, we're doing Abbott next month--and we meet in Tysons Corner. (I don't know if you'd be interested in ever joining us, Brian, but I see that you're nearby in Arlington so figured I'd extend an invitation. https://www.meetup.com/McLean-Graphic-Novel-Book-Club/ )

Mar 11, 2020, 11:03 pm

Oooh! I can try! My schedule is a bit in flux right now. Thank you for letting me know. Shadow of the Batgirl looks interesting, I love a good Cassandra Cain story.

Mar 14, 2020, 1:00 pm

I'm in a comic book hangover and I am mainly reading books (those boring ones without pictures). But I have read Chou no Michiyuki which tells the story of a Oiran in a Brothel in Japan. Great art and good story.

Mar 14, 2020, 1:17 pm

I've watched Locke & Key in Netflix. It is a good adaptation, more Young Adult than the source material, but very well translated to the screen.

Mar 14, 2020, 2:42 pm

I really liked Locke & Key, so much so I'm not sure I can watch the Netflix version without being disappointed.

Just finished reading Infidel which I really enjoyed. It's well-done horror without being a gore-fest.

Mar 29, 2020, 10:09 pm

I've finished X-O Manowar, vol.1: Soldier which is a 2017 reboot of the series. Actually is a continaution of the series by Matt Kindt and you can enter without previous knowledge and fully undertand the motivations of the protagonist.
The text and art are like battle action movies, very cinetic with a 300 feel regarding the politics behind a war.
Overall, it is good.