tags - a list


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tags - a list

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Oct 24, 2006, 10:56 pm

I was wondering if we could compile a list of tags to use. Or is there one already.

Thanks, Judie

Oct 25, 2006, 2:12 am

Why don't we build one starting now...

Complex, Tartans, Coverlets, Damask, Paisley, Biography, Card, Navajo

are the ones I've used so far.


3Weavebird First Message
Oct 25, 2006, 7:59 am

Here are the ones I've used so far:

weaving (153), structure (69), design (47), drafts (31), finger weaving (14), history (13), tips (12), equipment (10), sewing (9), coverlets (8), beginners (8), symmetry (7), drafting (6), color (5), math (5), rugs (5), surface design (5), artist (5), creativity (4), Finnland (4), fiber (4), weaving structure (3), finishing (3), spinning (2), art (2), twining (2), rag weaving (2), glossary (2), dyeing (2), embroidery (2), fibers (2), Bolivia (1), ecclesiastical (1), sprang (1), Peru (1), finger-weaving (1), Andes (1), photography (1), Germany (1), leno (1), bead weaving (1), braiding (1), Sweden (1), knotting (1), needleweaving (1), historical (1), Swedish (1), classification (1), card weaving (1), quilting (1), tapestry (1), sampling (1), Finnish (1), fingerweaving (1), software (1), layout (1), index (1), magazines (1), Slovak (1)

Oct 25, 2006, 8:02 am

Hmm, looking at my list I could clean out a few that are variations/typos of the same topic.

Oct 25, 2006, 8:10 am

I've cleaned up my list. I still may add some tags (such as overshot, lace, etc.). One question is how to do ethnic books. Before I had a mixture of Sweden/Swedish, now I have switched to just countries (Sweden). Here is the cleaned list:

tags by frequency

weaving (156), structure (72), design (47), drafts (31), finger weaving (17), history (14), tips (12), equipment (10), sewing (9), beginners (8), coverlets (8), symmetry (7), drafting (6), fiber (6), rugs (5), artist (5), color (5), math (5), surface design (5), Finnland (5), creativity (4), finishing (3), Sweden (2), dyeing (2), twining (2), glossary (2), embroidery (2), spinning (2), rag weaving (2), art (2), ecclesiastical (1), Germany (1), leno (1), quilting (1), Slovakia (1), sprang (1), Peru (1), photography (1), bead weaving (1), knotting (1), card weaving (1), magazines (1), classification (1), sampling (1), index (1), layout (1), Andes (1), Bolivia (1), tapestry (1), software (1), braiding (1)

Oct 25, 2006, 9:31 am

An excellent idea, Judie. I haven't tagged my weaving books with topic-specific tags, and I like the ones hsm and Weavebird have proposed. I'll have to add the word weaving to a few of them, though, to distinguish them from other books I have with the same tag (such as weaving biography, weaving photography, weaving design). I love having a new LT project to do, now that I've catalogued all of my books.
Thanks for the ideas!

Oct 25, 2006, 4:19 pm

Unique tags thus far:

andes, art, artist, bead, bead, beginners, biography, bolivia, braiding, card
card weaving, classification, color, complex, coverlets, creativity, damask, design
drafting, drafts, dyeing, ecclesiastical, embroidery, equipment, fiber, finger weaving
finishing, finnland, germany, glossary, history, index, knots, knotting, layout, leno
magazines, math, navajo, needlepoint, paisley, peru, photography, quilting, rag, rugs
sampling, sewing, slovakia, software, spinning, sprang, structure, surfaceesign, sweden
symmetry, tapestry, tartans, textiles, tips, twining, weaving

p.s. post more and I'll add them to the list...

Oct 25, 2006, 4:33 pm

If you go to the front of the weavers group page, it lists the members. You can get a tag list and full library for each one. Sort the listing of their library by tags to see how their classification system works. It is also a fast way to add books that are also in your library but not catalogued yet.

Dec 6, 2009, 12:08 pm

to this, I find myself adding "weavers" for biographies of weavers; I also tend to use Swedish, Finnish, German, Navajo, and the like for location tags. I like seeing others' tags, a lot.