Folio Archives 257: The Life of the Bee by Maurice Maeterlinck 1995

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Folio Archives 257: The Life of the Bee by Maurice Maeterlinck 1995

Feb 10, 2022, 9:37 pm

The Life of the Bee by Maurice Meterlinck 1995

Written in 1901, Maurice Maeterlinck’s masterpiece describes in layman’s terms using elegant language the extraordinarily complex and fascinating life cycle of an insect that is indirectly responsible for life as we know it, because it fertilises thousands of different plants.

Maeterlinck anthropomorphises the bee, giving it characteristics and intelligence that are more human than insect, but this makes the dialogue more entertaining and the actions of the bee more understandable. He sometimes becomes verbose and gets carried away with the beauty of his own prose, but the overly descriptive short chapters can be easily skimmed while still learning the intricacies of an amazing insect.

It is a book that would absolutely delight any apiarist, but also appeals to the average reader who wishes to know a bit more about nature.

This small book has 192 pages that are randomly sprinkled with charming drawings of bees within and beside the text. It was translated from French by Alfred Sutro and is introduced by John Heath-Stubbs. There are eight full-page pastel coloured drawings by Wilf Hartley who also drew the 29 small vignettes. It is bound in pale brown cloth cover decorated in gold with a honeycomb pattern by Hartley. The endleaves and slipcase (23.6x16.5cm.) are pale brown, while the page tops are stained dark brown.

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An index of the other illustrated reviews in the "Folio Archives" series can be viewed here.

Feb 11, 2022, 2:55 am

I'm confident I got enabled the last time about this but then I couldn't find the review. In any case it just so happens I have a copy coming my way - been waiting for a year or so for the hype to calm down since your last review but copies can be found in reasonable prices these days.

Feb 11, 2022, 3:07 am

>2 bacchus.:
I have not reviewed this book before. I only found my copy a couple of months ago.
Enjoy your purchase.

Feb 11, 2022, 3:19 am

>3 wcarter: Have no idea where I've seen it reviewed before. The image in my mind is as clear as day and I'm sure it was LT. In any case, disregarding my mysterious foresight, this is a great book (and a great review). I love the subtle illustrations.

Feb 11, 2022, 4:58 am

there was a post about it in the facebook group not long ago