Book Thickness vs. Length

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Book Thickness vs. Length

Dec 27, 2022, 11:48 am

I love the cool feature to show the height of your book stack. However, I noticed an issue with the I assume the data sources in that it doesn't seem to be consistent. A large portion of my books are actually showing their length as their thickness, so it appears I have 165 books that are over 3 inches thick! It seems I can go in manually and change all of this, but that is obviously a pain. Any more systematic solutions? Issues with public data sources I used when importing my books to The Thing?

Sadly, this also means my books stack is likely NOT taller than Niagara Falls. :-(

Edited: Dec 27, 2022, 1:39 pm

>1 kjslaughter: Yeah - that’s sources listing books dimensions in weird order. Amazon has some weird ideas on some books for example. If you care about the dimension, check the values on any book you add and adjust as needed.

Dec 27, 2022, 1:12 pm

Yes, I'll clearly pay more attention as I add books in the future. I'm off this week, so now I have a project I guess!

Edited: Dec 27, 2022, 1:45 pm

>3 kjslaughter: I’ve learned to check any field I care about (and then I decide I care about something new and off I go to fix all my books). :) The fastest way I’ve found is to put these fields into one of the catalog views together with tags or collections and the title and author (so you know which book it is). Then throw all your paper books into a collection or tag with Power edit and start working through the list. Occasionally use Power Edit to remove the tag/collection from the top 10-20 (whatever batches you are working in). Or remove on the spot while verifying the fields you were working on or add a “fixed” tag to use later to find these to drop the special collection/tag via the Power edit.

Still one by one but it at least has a system and makes it easy to figure out what remains to be checked. :)

Jan 23, 2023, 12:25 am

> very funny kjsl. When I used to shelve with spines out I put the colour of the spine on (helpful sometimes). But now the are stacked every which way & much weeding is in the near future - nevermind the spine colour.
Carole Yeaman, Ottawa, Ontario