The History of Easton Press

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The History of Easton Press

Jan 11, 10:54 am

Do we have a thread on this topic yet? Are there reliable references online somewhere. I'd like to gather history on the starting of the Easton Press, how they started, how they acquired the rights to the George Macy texts, etc.

Would also like information on things they tried over the years which did not really play out (such as Vinyl Records) and collect this here

Jan 11, 11:48 am

There are tidbits here and there. I can provide a list of lots of things they sold in the beginning years, before they went to books only for the most part. Some of those items are in my unedited parts of the database.

Jan 11, 6:05 pm

thank you. I do think this would be interesting and should be preserved.

Jan 11, 11:32 pm

What a wonderful topic

May 22, 3:43 am

>1 sdawson: have you had a conversation with the source yet? Curious if you are able to reach someone with a willingness to talk about this topic.

Edited: May 23, 8:54 am

>5 Wootle:,

They never replied. I should give it a go again.

Or see if we can talk to folks who were employees of EP back in the day and get their stories.


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