Small Barcode Bug in iOS App

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Small Barcode Bug in iOS App

Apr 15, 9:11 am

I need to check with staff to see if this is also happening on the Android App or not, but:

1. go to "Your books" on the website
2. add and subsequently delete a "Barcode" from your most recently added record (or any of the last 15 records added)
3. go to the LibraryThing App's "Add to Catalog" page and look up that record

Bug: You'll find a "Barcode: 0" on that record, which doesn't show up anywhere else in the app. Just on that page.

Apr 15, 11:26 am

You don’t even need step 2 (or does not need to be a barcode update anyway): it shows this “Barcode: 0” after any edit to that book (or so it seems - may be other actions also triggering it). It then disappears so it does not bother me much but it had been doing that for years.

Apr 15, 11:47 am

>2 AnnieMod: Aha! I waited for some time, but apparently not long enough, before checking to see if the "Barcode: 0" disappeared. So knocking this bug down to *very* minor. Thanks. :)