All covers of a work not showing for all books

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All covers of a work not showing for all books

May 9, 6:17 pm

I got a bunch of duplicate ebooks yesterday, and when I added them, I also uploaded higher-res covers than previously. When I did so, I also pulled up my older copies and switched them over to the newer, better covers. Usually hitting "recalculate cover" a couple times or waiting a few minutes was all it took to make the new cover available for all copies. But two books remain that are unable to see the newer covers: (8 custom covers available) (7 custom covers available, missing cover# 15610555) (6 custom covers available) (5 custom covers available, missing cover# 15610552)

Edited: May 10, 12:23 pm

Well, never mind, now they've shown up. Weird though how some covers take longer than others to propagate through the system.