Cult-Like Reform School For Troubled Kids

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Cult-Like Reform School For Troubled Kids

May 25, 6:13 pm

I believe the book was nonfiction, most likely a memoir. Here's what I remember about the story:

The main character was a girl. She was troubled, but not an awful kid. I don't remember much about the begining of the book, but I think she runs away? At some point her parents get her back (i think), but either way her parents send her to a reform facility for troubled kids. I *THINK* there was levels there, like if you were level 3 you didn't have to sleep at the facility anymore or something similar. I remember the facility was very cult-like. They made the kids do VERY long and insane exercises for hours on end. They were forced to be happy, like they all had to smile. I remember the girl eventually gets to live outside of the facility, but she has to stay in the home of one of other kids that go there. I know they had weird group meetings at the facility, but I can't remember too much about those meetings. The main thing I remember is just that everyone had to be "happy."

I read the book sometime between 2016-2017, i found it in my highschool's library. I was a freshman or sophomore at the time.
I do remember the facility was real, I remember looking it up years ago and doing research about it. SO if the book WASN'T a memoir, then it was a fictional character and their story based around a real place!

When I was trying to dig for it myself, the facility seems similar to the Elan School. I don't think it's the same place, but it's closer.


May 26, 8:45 pm

Maybe Come Clean? On the memoir side, there's The Dead Inside, Stolen: A Memoir, Bad Girl: Confessions Of A Teenage Delinquent, and Gone to the Crazies. Do any of those look familiar? There are a lot of memoirs with similar stories and most don't have many specific details in the description that could corroborate you recollection, so I figured I would throw a few out there.