I read this book and thought I'd say...


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I read this book and thought I'd say...

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Jun 4, 2008, 10:06 am

I thought this might be a good topic. I know we review books regularly but how about a quick stop here for a few lines of recommendation, and if you loved, hated or just thought it was ok.

I'm going to recommend The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope. It's an old story but a great swashbuckling adventure and it's a quick read too. A feel good book I think.

Edited: Jun 18, 2008, 10:01 am

Several of the bloggers have been reveiwing Songs for the Missing by Stewart O'Nan. I posted this on Literate Housewife's blog this morning, but for those of you who enjoyed the book, I wanted to pass on a couple of recommendations. I haven't read SFTM, but the reviews all remind me of two other books I really enjoyed.

The first is The Strength of the Sun by Catherine Chidgey. It's about a girl who goes missing and the impact on the lives of people around her - her parents, friends, the girl who moves into her room. I found this very moving, especially the snippets that tell you what happened to the girl.

The second is The Mercy of Thin Air by Ronlyn Domingue. It's a story told by a ghost, a young woman who died in a simple accident and the impact that her death and her continued existence as a ghost have on the people around her. In this book the ghosts are not omniscient - she is eager to find out what happened to the lover she left behind. I heard SFTM compared to The Lovely Bones in a couple of reviews and that's what made me think of this one, along with the mystery of what happened (to her and her lover), which is revealed bit by bit.

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