The uncrowned King of Bohemia: George Sterling

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The uncrowned King of Bohemia: George Sterling

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Edited: Dec 20, 2008, 9:54 am

George Sterling, like Ambrose Bierce and W. C. Morrow, was a poet, given to excess and morbidity, based in San Francisco at the turn of the last century. Sterling was in fact a protege of Bierce's, and both men, for a time, were ardent admirers of one another's work.

At the Bohemian Club, Sterling and his friends formed a cenacle of free-spirited writers that envisioned the club as a haven of art, isolated from the commercial excess and banausic* life of the port city (and the new world, and the 19th century in general) to indulge in literature and all its attendant and more glamorous vices. Perhaps the levels of intoxication achieved help to obscure the fact that even then the club was becoming less and less an Arcady in the new world and more and more of a place where, according to Bill Clinton, "rich Republicans go up and stand naked against redwood trees". A fact, among others, that may have led to his suicide there in Bierce's favored month, 1926.

The line of influence and sensibility are pretty direct from Sterling to Lovecraft, as one of Sterling's disciples was Lovecraft's literary hero, Clark Ashton Smith. This is my brief and lazy way of saying, that if you enjoy the writings of the two famous names, you would do well to look up Sterling. Here is one of his more famous poems (I scored a very nice signed copy for less than $30 here in DC... and am still, as you see, BEAMING):

A Wine of Wizardry

"When mountains were stained as with wine
By the dawning of Time, and as wine
Were the seas."

Without, the battlements of sunset shine,
'Mid domes the sea-winds rear and overwhelm.
Into a crystal cup the dusky wine
I pour, and, musing at so rich a shrine,
I watch the star that haunts its ruddy gloom.
Now Fancy, empress of a purpled realm,
Awakes with brow caressed by poppy-bloom,
And wings in sudden dalliance her flight
To strands where opals of the shattered light
Gleam in the wind-strewn foam, and maidens flee
A little past the striving billows' reach,
Or seek the russet mosses of the sea,
And wrinkled shells that lure along the beach,
And please the heart of Fancy; yet she turns,
Tho' trembling, to a grotto rosy-sparred,
Where wattled monsters redly gape, that guard
A cowled magician peering on the damned
Thro' vials wherein a splendid poison burns,
Sifting Satanic gules athwart his brow.
So Fancy will not gaze with him, and now
She wanders to an iceberg oriflammed
With rayed, auroral guidons of the North—
Wherein hath winter hidden ardent gems
And treasuries of frozen anadems,
Alight with timid sapphires of the snow.
But she would dream of warmer gems, and so
Ere long her eyes in fastnesses look forth
O'er blue profounds mysterious whence glow
The coals of Tartarus on the moonless air,
As Titans plan to storm Olympus' throne,
'Mid pulse of dungeoned forges down the stunned,
Undominated firmament, and glare
Of Cyclopean furnaces unsunned.

Then hastens she in refuge to a lone,
Immortal garden of the eastern hours,
Where Dawn upon a pansy's breast hath laid
A single tear, and whence the wind hath flown
And left a silence. Far on shadowy tow'rs
Droop blazoned banners, and the woodland shade,
With leafy flames and dyes autumnal hung,
Makes beautiful the twilight of the year.
For this the fays will dance, for elfin cheer,
Within a dell where some mad girl hath flung
A bracelet that the painted lizards fear—
Red pyres of muffled light! Yet Fancy spurns
The revel, and to eastern hazard turns,
And glaring beacons of the Soldan's shores,
When in a Syrian treasure-house she pours,
From caskets rich and amethystine urns,
Dull fires of dusty jewels that have bound
The brows of naked Ashtaroth around.
Or hushed, at fall of some disastrous night,
When sunset, like a crimson throat to hell,
Is cavernous, she marks the seaward flight
Of homing dragons dark upon the West;
Till, drawn by tales the winds of ocean tell,
And mute amid the splendors of her quest,
To some red city of the Djinns she flees
And, lost in palaces of silence, sees
Within a porphyry crypt the murderous light

Of garnet-crusted lamps whereunder sit
Perturbéd men that tremble at a sound,
And ponder words on ghastly vellum writ,
In vipers' blood, to whispers from the night—
Infernal rubrics, sung to Satan's might,
Or chaunted to the Dragon in his gyre.
But she would blot from memory the sight,
And seeks a stainéd twilight of the South,
Where crafty gnomes with scarlet eyes conspire
To quench Aldebaran's affronting fire,
Low sparkling just beyond their cavern's mouth,
Above a wicked queen's unhallowed tomb.
There lichens brown, incredulous of fame,
Whisper to veinéd flowers her body's shame,
'Mid stillness of all pageantries of bloom.
Within, lurk orbs that graven monsters clasp;
Red-embered rubies smolder in the gloom,
Betrayed by lamps that nurse a sullen flame,
And livid roots writhe in the marble's grasp,
As moaning airs invoke the conquered rust
Of lordly helms made equal in the dust.
Without, where baleful cypresses make rich
The bleeding sun's phantasmagoric gules,
Are fungus-tapers of the twilight witch
(Seen by the bat above unfathomed pools)
And tiger-lilies known to silent ghouls,
Whose king hath digged a somber carcanet
And necklaces with fevered opals set.
But Fancy, well affrighted at his gaze,
Flies to a violet headland of the West,
About whose base the sun-lashed billows blaze,
Ending in precious foam their fatal quest,
As far below the deep-hued ocean molds,
With waters' toil and polished pebbles' fret,
The tiny twilight in the jacinth set,
The wintry orb the moonstone-crystal holds,
Snapt coral twigs and winy agates wet,
Translucencies of jasper, and the folds
Of banded onyx, and vermilion breast
Of cinnabar. Anear on orange sands,
With prows of bronze the sea-stained galleys rest,
And swarthy mariners from alien strands
Stare at the red horizon, for their eyes
Behold a beacon burn on evening skies,
As fed with sanguine oils at touch of night.
Forth from that pharos-flame a radiance flies,
To spill in vinous gleams on ruddy decks;
And overside, when leap the startled waves
And crimson bubbles rise from battle-wrecks,
Unresting hydras wrought of bloody light
Dip to the ocean's phosphorescent caves.

So Fancy's carvel seeks an isle afar,
Led by the Scorpion's rubescent star,
Until in templed zones she smiles to see
Black incense glow, and scarlet-bellied snakes
Sway to the tawny flutes of sorcery.
There priestesses in purple robes hold each
A sultry garnet to the sea-linkt sun,
Or, just before the colored morning shakes
A splendor on the ruby-sanded beach,
Cry unto Betelgeuse a mystic word.
But Fancy, amorous of evening, takes
Her flight to groves whence lustrous rivers run,
Thro' hyacinth, a minster wall to gird,
Where, in the hushed cathedral's jeweled gloom,
Ere Faith return, and azure censers fume,
She kneels, in solemn quietude, to mark
The suppliant day from gorgeous oriels float
And altar-lamps immure the deathless spark;
Till, all her dreams made rich with fervent hues,
She goes to watch, beside a lurid moat,
The kingdoms of the afterglow suffuse
A sentinel mountain stationed toward the night—
Whose broken tombs betray their ghastly trust,
Till bloodshot gems stare up like eyes of lust.
And now she knows, at agate portals bright,
How Circe and her poisons have a home,
Carved in one ruby that a Titan lost,
Where icy philters brim with scarlet foam,
'Mid hiss of oils in burnished caldrons tost,
While thickly from her prey his life-tide drips,
In turbid dyes that tinge her torture-dome;
As craftily she gleans her deadly dews,
With gyving spells not Pluto's queen can use,
Or listens to her victim's moan, and sips
Her darkest wine, and smiles with wicked lips.
Nor comes a god with any power to break
The red alembics whence her gleaming broths
Obscenely fume, as asp or adder froths,
To lethal mists whose writhing vapors make
Dim augury, till shapes of men that were
Point, weeping, at tremendous dooms to be,
When pillared pomps and thrones supreme shall stir,
Unstable as the foam-dreams of the sea.

But Fancy still is fugitive, and turns
To caverns where a demon altar burns,
And Satan, yawning on his brazen seat,
Fondles a screaming thing his fiends have flayed,
Ere Lilith come his indolence to greet,
Who leads from hell his whitest queens, arrayed
In chains so heated at their master's fire
That one new-damned had thought their bright attire
Indeed were coral, till the dazzling dance
So terribly that brilliance shall enhance.
But Fancy is unsatisfied, and soon
She seeks the silence of a vaster night,
Where powers of wizardry, with faltering sight
(Whenas the hours creep farthest from the noon)
Seek by the glow-worm's lantern cold and dull
A crimson spider hidden in a skull,
Or search for mottled vines with berries white,
Where waters mutter to the gibbous moon.
There, clothed in cerements of malignant light,
A sick enchantress scans the dark to curse,
Beside a caldron vext with harlots' blood,
The stars of that red Sign which spells her doom.

Then Fancy cleaves the palmy skies adverse
To sunset barriers. By the Ganges' flood
She sees, in her dim temple, Siva loom
And, visioned with the monstrous ruby, glare
On distant twilight where the burning-ghaut
Is lit with glowering pyres that seem the eyes
Of her abhorrent dragon-worms that bear
The pestilence, by Death in darkness wrought.
So Fancy's wings forsake the Asian skies,
And now her heart is curious of halls
In which dead Merlin's prowling ape hath spilt
A vial squat whose scarlet venom crawls
To ciphers bright and terrible, that tell
The sins of demons and the encharneled guilt
That breathes a phantom at whose cry the owl,
Malignly mute above the midnight well,
Is dolorous, and Hecate lifts her cowl
To mutter swift a minatory rune;
And, ere the tomb-thrown echoings have ceased,
The blue-eyed vampire, sated at her feast,
Smiles bloodily against the leprous moon.

But evening now is come, and Fancy folds
Her splendid plumes, nor any longer holds
Adventurous quest o'er stainéd lands and seas—
Fled to a star above the sunset lees,
O'er onyx waters stilled by gorgeous oils
That toward the twilight reach emblazoned coils.
And I, albeit Merlin-sage hath said,
"A vyper lurketh in ye wine-cuppe redde,"
Gaze pensively upon the way she went,
Drink at her font, and smile as one content.


* I love the word - a classic ingredient of the Baron Corvo's prose. Sterling, by the way, like Corvo, nearly wound up in the priesthood.

Oct 21, 2009, 2:11 pm

Hippocampus Press put out a selection of Sterling's poems: The Thirst of Satan - makes a nice companion to their CAS selection, The Last Oblivion. When I recently checked out a volume of Sterling's poems (The House of Orchids) from the Brooklyn Public Library, I saw that the next most recent stamp was from the 30's, sigh.

Oct 22, 2009, 9:11 am

I have some examples as well: an ex-library volume of John Davidson with an elegantly penned in due-date in the early 1920s... (an interesting topic, this remind me, might be to gather reports of things we have found in second hand books). It seems people don't read poetry so much these days, let alone the poetry of George Sterling which, in all fairness, does not have a long shelf-life (though anyone interested in Clark Ashton Smith and H. P. Lovecraft should make an effort to read the collection you mentioned and The Wine of Wizardry.

Author touchstones are dead, it seems.

Edited: Oct 23, 2009, 3:02 pm

I would also recommend Hippocampus Press' The Shadow of the Unattained: The Letters of George Sterling and Clark Ashton Smith. Their correspondence gives the reader a peek into West Coast Bohemianism and American Decadent writing.

Dec 10, 2009, 4:14 pm

If you live around the San Francisco Bay Area, you might be lucky to find some of his books in the library, which I have. I once gave a mini-presentation on him in connection with Ambrose Bierce. He is an excellent poet, probably more effective than many of his modernist contemporaries. His dramatic poem of Lilith is interesting as well, if produced at all I could see it in a program along with Ansky's The Golem.

Dec 11, 2009, 8:51 am

A local used bookstore, soon to pass away, sadly, had some years back purchased a lot of books from a collector of California poets. I was fortunated enough to find a very nice copy of A Wine of Wizardry signed and inscribed by Sterling to poet/essayist/ambassador Robert Underwood Johnson. Copies of his books, not too long ago, at least, were available and reasonably priced on various sites (picked up The House of Orchids for a dirge.

Jan 1, 2013, 9:49 pm

Hippocampus Press has a new 3-volume set of George Sterling's complete poetical works, 'The Complete Poetry of George Sterling'. Limited to only 200 copies. Get it while you can.

Edited: Jan 7, 2016, 5:06 am

Hippocampus Press has a special running on the 3 volume hardback collection of the complete poetry of George Sterling for just $75. Thats reduced from the usual price of $300.00!!

Seems a fantastic deal!

“And starward drifts the stricken world,
Lone in unalterable gloom
Dead, with a universe for tomb,
Dark, and to vaster darkness whirled.
(“The Testimony of the Suns”)”
― George Sterling

Nov 6, 2017, 10:18 am

I was reading through a couple of the volumes of Sterling's poetry that I have which he has signed and inscribed to friends. I noticed that throughout each text are many corrections in Sterling's hand. I would love to know if any of these revisions made their way into later editions. If anyone who has the Hippocampus editions has the patience, if you could contact me I will bore you with a few samples.... Thanks!

Nov 6, 2017, 10:22 am

>10 Randy_Hierodule:
I scent a scholarly article in the making...

Nov 6, 2017, 10:32 am

I should get off the pot and buy the new volumes.

Nov 17, 2017, 9:46 am

>11 Crypto-Willobie:

I cross-referenced Sterling's corrections in House of Orchids with the Hippocampus editions. Some of the corrections made it into the new edition, while others did not. I am wondering if they rejected certain edits or if these were not present in the texts or manuscripts they consulted. I suppose I will contact the editors ("some velvet morning when I'm straight...").

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