Meetup details!


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Meetup details!

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Jan 12, 2010, 4:56 pm

Date: January 16th, 2010
Time: 5:30-8:00 pm
Location: The Green Dragon – 11 Marshall St Boston, MA 02108

More on the blog post.

Email questions to

Jan 12, 2010, 5:54 pm

What is the best way to get there from the the Conference Center?

Edited: Jan 13, 2010, 1:47 pm

I'm going to put together an informational flier you can print off, or get a copy at the LTFL booth, with the directions and maps. I'll post a link here when it's ready.

If you're walking, it's 1.3 miles. Getting there by pubic transportation is convoluted, but the distances aren't great.

Public transporatation:
From the conference, go to the World Trade Center subway stop (Congress Street at C St., World Trade Center Avenue). You're going to take the Silver Line SL1 inbound. The thing about the Silver Line is that it's not a train, it's a bus pretending it's a train.*

You'll go past the Courthouse Station stop, and get off at the South Station stop. Change trains to the Red line towards Alewife. You'll take this for one stop, to the Downtown Crossing station. You'll change trains to the Orange line towards Oak Grove. You'll take this for one stop, to the Haymarket station. You'll exit the station, and walk two blocks to The Green Dragon.

ALA shuttle directions:
Take route 3 (blue) to the Hilton Boston Financial District hotel, and walk (half mile).

It's probably a 10-15 taxi ride. If you want to share a cab with others, meet up at the LTFL booth (1208) by 5:10.

*Long story, but I think they ran out of money for the train line, so instead they have dedicated lanes for the buses. Instead of being on the bus map, it's on the subway map.

Edited: meet up for cabshare by 5:10pm, not 5:00.