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The River (1994)

by Gary Paulsen

Series: Brian's Saga (2)

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4,260452,828 (3.63)110
Because of his success surviving alone in the wilderness for fifty-four days, fifteen-year-old Brian, profoundly changed by his time in the wild, is asked to undergo a similar experience to help scientists learn more about the psychology of survival.

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Book 2 in the series, although I'd personally advice you to read it third, after "Hatchet" and "Brian's Winter", since those two books tell a complete story that takes place before "The River".

Same flaws and appeal as the rest of the series. Simplistic writing, children literature rather than YA, but interesting for the adventure and for the psychological aspect of how Brian's mentality has changed to get attuned to and survive in the wilderness. Short and quick to read.

Here the reader's incredulity may be challenged more strongly by the excuse for Brian's return to the wilderness, and by yet another tragic accident that places him once again in an extreme situation, this time not only responsible for his life but for another person's. Still, I was able to suspend disbelief and enjoy the story without much problem, so 4 stars from me. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
I had low expectations for this sequel to Hatchet. Hatchet was clearly meant to be a standalone book so I assumed, in an effort to turn the book into a sequel, the author would struggle with coming up with a plot that wasn't completely contrived. And...it is a little contrived. It starts with an unbelievable premise, the U.S. government seeking out a fifteen year old boy to teach survival skills.

A wacky premise can be forgiven when the plot is fun and adventurous, the message is clear, and the length is super short though. The audio book is only 2.5 hours and at 2x speed, it's basically like listening to the audio of a great episode of television. It's even shorter than Hatchet and the stakes are high. Similar to Hatchet, this felt like an allegory for life. While Hatchet focused a lot on thinking through problems, The River seemed to focus on the value of consistent work. If you work every day and try every day, luck will eventually find you. It also deals with the responsibility of caring for others. In a sense, Brian swaps roles with an adult and becomes a primary caregiver. Being a caregiver isn't fun, it can slow you down in the wild and in life, and it leads Brian to have some very dark thoughts that he must overcome.

Again, the message in this book is so good and wholesome for kids. And the adventure aspect of the story is entertaining for all ages. A highly recommend for all readers. ( )
  tanyaferrell | Dec 23, 2022 |
An excellent sequel. The military wants his help to improve survival training. So Brian finds this outing easier until Derek Holtzer, a government psychologist is hurt and now Brian has to take care of another person. Quick listen ( )
  nx74defiant | Jan 14, 2021 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
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To my daughter, Lynn, with love
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Brian opened the door and stood back.
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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First published in Great Britain 1992 under title: Hatchet: The Return.
Alternate title: The River.
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Wikipedia in English (1)

Because of his success surviving alone in the wilderness for fifty-four days, fifteen-year-old Brian, profoundly changed by his time in the wild, is asked to undergo a similar experience to help scientists learn more about the psychology of survival.

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