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Obsidian Butterfly (2000)

by Laurell K. Hamilton

Other authors: See the other authors section.

Series: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (9)

MembersReviewsPopularityAverage ratingMentions
5,449821,971 (3.8)62
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Thriller. HTML:#1 New York Times bestselling author Laurell K. Hamilton offers a sexy, suspenseful novel of human—and inhuman—passions, as vampire hunter Anita Blake must repay a favor to a man almost as dangerous as the ancient evil she's about to face. . . .

Edward is a hit man, specializing in monsters, vampires, shapeshifters, anything and everything. There are people like Anita who do it legal, but Edward doesn't sweat the legalities, or, hell, the ethics. He's an equal opportunity killer. 

Anita may be one of the few friends that Edward has, but it’s like being friends with a tame leopard. It may curl up on the foot of your bed and let you pet its head, but it can still rip your throat out. . . .
… (more)
  1. 20
    The Compass Rose by Gail Dayton (MyriadBooks)
    MyriadBooks: On balancing the polyamorous lifestyle. Oh, and slaying monsters.
  2. 20
    A Book of Tongues by Gemma Files (MyriadBooks)
    MyriadBooks: For the Aztec gods.

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This was pretty action packed and fast paced. Light on the romance which made for more time for story. ( )
  RonnieCMitchell | Jul 6, 2024 |
This was pretty action packed and fast paced. Light on the romance which made for more time for story. ( )
  RonnieCMitchell | Jul 6, 2024 |
Besides one very questionable scene, this instalment was quite nice.
We get back to investigating and also get a bit of setting change, leaving Richard and Jean-Claude mostly out of this book. Instead, this book focuses a lot on Edward. As this series is slowly turning into a reverse harem, I find Anita's relationship with Edward really refreshing. ( )
  Levitara | Apr 5, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Synopsis: 'Anita killed one of Edward’s backups – which means she owes him a favour and he has finally called to collect. Or his alter ego has – reassuring Anita that what he wants in New Mexico is nice and legal. And a holiday away from her love life is probably not a bad idea.
Little did she imagine she’d be plunged into Edwards and that the cold, lethal assassin has a fiancée and she has 2 children – all of which have no idea about the man she’s going to marry.
And while the job may be legal – it’s brutal. Dozens of people have been killed or mutilated – and the deaths are some of the worst Anita has ever seen. Worse, it’s been done in a way neither she nor Edward’s erstwhile and experienced back up have ever seen.
Anita has to find and stop the murderer even as the death toll rises. That means facing Aztec gods, a fellow necromancer, ancient vampires and a prejudiced police force – even before she gets to the monster itself, which can feel her looking for it, and is watching her.'
Review: Edward's back-up, Ottis, is creepy! I was rooting for Anita to kill him. This book also opens the door for Obsidian Butterfly to re-appear, or at least her powers, at some future time. ( )
  DrLed | Dec 25, 2021 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Laurell K. Hamiltonprimary authorall editionscalculated
Alexis, KimberlyNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Fusari, ErikaCover designersecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Murello, JudithCover designersecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Tony Stone ImagesPhotographersecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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This one is for all the Edward fans, who by their letters, questions, and sheer interest let me know that they were as interested in knowing more about him as I was.
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I was covered in blood, but it wasn't mine, so it was okay.
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Wikipedia in English (1)

Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Thriller. HTML:#1 New York Times bestselling author Laurell K. Hamilton offers a sexy, suspenseful novel of human—and inhuman—passions, as vampire hunter Anita Blake must repay a favor to a man almost as dangerous as the ancient evil she's about to face. . . .

Edward is a hit man, specializing in monsters, vampires, shapeshifters, anything and everything. There are people like Anita who do it legal, but Edward doesn't sweat the legalities, or, hell, the ethics. He's an equal opportunity killer. 

Anita may be one of the few friends that Edward has, but it’s like being friends with a tame leopard. It may curl up on the foot of your bed and let you pet its head, but it can still rip your throat out. . . .

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'Edward was a hit man. He specialized in monsters. Vampires, shape-shifters, anything and everything. There were people like me who did it legal, but Edward didn't sweat the legalities or, hell, the ethics. He was an equal opportunity killer. I may be one of the few friends that Edward has, but it's like being friends with a tame leopard. It may curl on the foot of your bed and let you pet its head, but it can still eat your throat out...'"
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