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The Dangerous Duty of Delight

by John Piper

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1,410813,475 (4.08)3
This short, impressive book, drawn from Piper's popular Desiring God, emphasizes the importance of strengthening relationships with the Creator by enjoying Him and His creation. The author's now classic ideas are presented here in an accessible size that will allow listeners to absorb and apply them quickly, leading them to a dramatically different and joyful experience of their faith. Filled with biblical reasons for living a life of celebration, this life-changing listen helps people discover not only why but how to delight more fully in the Lord.… (more)

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Grand Rapids, MI
  LibraryNBC | Jun 22, 2023 |
Really enjoyed this fresh look at desiring God. These are some of my favorite quotes:
“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” by CS Lewis
“The great hindrance to worship is not that we are pleasure-seeking people, but that we are willing to settle for such pitiful pleasures.”
“God is not glorified when we keep for ourselves (no matter how thankfully) what we ought to be using to alleviate the misery of unevangelized, unmedicated and unfed millions.”
"Life is war. All talk of a Christian's right to live luxuriously 'as a child of the King' in this atmosphere sounds hollow - especially since the King Himself stripped for battle.”
"The great incentive for throwing our lives into the cause of missions is the 10,000 - percent return on the investment."
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot
“In the pursuit of joy through suffering, we magnify the all-satisfying worth of the Source of our joy.” ( )
  dannywahlquist | May 14, 2013 |
One of those books where it's absolutely critical that you READ THE WHOLE THING through. Piper is great for using language that shocks the reader into paying attention. If you take what he sometimes writes, out of context, then you will think he's a heretic. Let him finish his thought and explain himself and you will find him radically transforming.
1 vote R.I.F. | May 13, 2009 |
Anything written by John Piper is life changing for me. If you love his books, visit his website, "desiringgod.com" and watch him preach. ( )
1 vote tiffleeanderson | Dec 15, 2007 |
In this short booklet, Piper argues that the Christian is to pursue pleasure as much as possible. Of course, ultimate pleasure and satisfaction and contentment is only found in Jesus Christ. He explains the idea, argues for it, and derives implications for it. The chapters are short and fairly simple, but it makes great devotional reading when you only have 10 minutes. ( )
1 vote james.garriss | Sep 24, 2007 |
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Stell dir vor, wie ich mit den Zähnen knirsche und mich an die Freude heranschleiche - in voller Rüstung, denn die Suche ist äußerst gefährlich.
-- Flannery O'Connor
Unser Herz ist ruhelos, bis es Ruhe findet in dir.
-- Augustinus
Wenn ich in mir eine Sehnsucht spüre, die durch keine Erfahrung dieser Welt gestillt werden kann, ist die wahrscheinlichste Erklärung dafür, dass ich für eine andere Welt geschaffen wurde.
-- C. S. Lewis
Picture me with my ground teeth stalking joy--
fully armed too, as it's a highly dangerous quest.

Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.
Vor 15 Jahren widmete ich die Langfassung dieses Buches, Sehnsucht nach Gott, meinem Vater William Solomon Hottle Piper.
Ich merke heute mehr denn je, was ich ihm und seinem fröhlichen, heiligen Leben zur Ehre Gottes verdanke. Er hat diese ganzen 55 Jahre meines Lebens geprägt.
Twenty-five years ago, I dedicated
the longer version of this book,

to my father
William Hottle Piper
The sweet indebtedness I feel to him
is now only intensified
by the joy of knowing that today
his happiness is sinless
in the presence of Christ.
First words
Lieber Leser,
ich schreibe dieses kleine Buch, weil die Wahrheit und die Schönheit von Jesus Christus, dem Sohn Gottes, atemberaubend sind. (Vorwort)
"Christlicher Hedonismus" ist eine umstrittene Bezeichnung für eine "altmodische" Lebensweise.
[Preface] Dear Reader,
I write this little book because the truth and beauty of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, are breathtaking.
"Christian Hedonism" is a controversial name for an old-fashioned way of life.
Last words
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Information from the German Common Knowledge. Edit to localize it to your language.
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This short, impressive book, drawn from Piper's popular Desiring God, emphasizes the importance of strengthening relationships with the Creator by enjoying Him and His creation. The author's now classic ideas are presented here in an accessible size that will allow listeners to absorb and apply them quickly, leading them to a dramatically different and joyful experience of their faith. Filled with biblical reasons for living a life of celebration, this life-changing listen helps people discover not only why but how to delight more fully in the Lord.

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Book description
"Jesús Nos Satisface

Cada uno de nosostros siente cierta inquietud, una nostalgia inconsolable. Algunos tratan de satisfacerla con vacaciones pintorescas, logros en el campo de la creatividad, grandes producciones cinematográficas, incursiones en el ámbito sexual, deportes que ofrecen grandes espectáculos, drogas alucinógenas, rigores ascetas, excelencia gerencial y más. Pero la nostalgia permanece.

¿Por qué?

John Piper nos hace volver el corazón hacia el único objeto verdadero del deseo humano: Dios. Nos muestra cómo, al cumplir con el deber de deleitarnos en Él, puede cambiar nuestra actitud hacia el matrimonio, los bienes materiales y nuestra misión y propósito en la tierra. ¡Acompáñelo en una travesía que va de un deseo desesperado al deleite infinito!"
(Descripción obtenida de la tapa trasera del libro)
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