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The Surgeon's Mate (1980)

by Patrick O'Brian

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Series: Aubrey-Maturin (7)

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2,953424,850 (4.19)64
Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin are ordered home by dispatch vessel to bring the news of their latest victory to the government. But Maturin is a marked man for the havoc he has wrought in the French intelligence network in the New World, and the attention of two privateers soon becomes menacing. The chase that follows through the fogs and shallows of the Grand Banks is as tense, and as unexpected in its culmination, as anything Patrick O'Brian has written.… (more)

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El ayudante del cirujano
Patrick O’Brian
Publicado: 1980 | 339 páginas
Novela Aventuras Bélico
Serie: Aubrey y Maturin #7 /

El doctor Stephen Maturin ha de emprender una arriesgada misión en el mar Báltico, y Aubrey será el encargado de llevarle a su destino. Les espera una difícil navegación, una dura climatología y, aún peor, la dura venganza de los franceses.
  libreriarofer | Sep 13, 2023 |
Having escaped from the Americans, Jack, Stephen, and Diana make for Halifax, where Jack entangles himself in a liaison with Amanda Smith, who will later (more or less) blackmail Jack claiming to be pregnant when he gets back to England. (By the end of the book she's married off to another captain.) They take the packet from Halifax to England but are pursued by two very tenacious sloops that appear to have been paid handsomely by Diana's former lover Johnson to capture her (and Stephen, and his diamond necklace) and bring them back to Boston. Some interesting situations arise on the packet since it's privately owned, and Jack, not being the caption, is consulted about how to fight the ship should it come to blows. However, the chase ends when one of the ships strikes an iceberg, and so, back to England.

Back in domestic bliss, Jack meets his sone for the first time and I loved how the girls, being raised in part by sailors, roar out in the courtyard and leave the air tinged with blue behind them.

This book introduces a number of new recurring characters and we get to visit with some old friends: Jagiello, the young, handsome Lithuanian; Ramon d’Ullastret, the leader in the Catalan garrison at Grimholm and Maturin's god-father; Admiral Saumarez; ; a number of famous scientists of the day at the French Institut, where Stephen gives a rather bad presentation; Sir Joseph Blaine, of course, whom Stephen give Johnson's personal papers in an intelligence coup; and many more besides.

Ultimately, Jack's sloop Ariel ends up in a huge blow and crashes on the coast of France, fortunately saving all lives, but becoming prisoners. Jack, Stephen, and Jagiello are sent to Verdun by coach with the French spy Monsieur Duhamel, who ultimately becomes an ally of Stephen and aids in his escape. The imprisonment is very well described, and their way out also quite intriguing.

Ultimately Stephen and Diana are married in a ship captained by none other than Babbington on their way back to England, where Stephen has been empowered to negotiate a peace between England and France via his new intelligence contacts in France. In a final twist of humor, Aubrey is chased above decks while Stephen and Diana vigorously celebrate their nuptials in the cabin below.

O'Brian's humor is on great display throughout this read, and it really is a great adventure story, with a lot of varied action and many diverse characters. This is a favorite of favorites for me. ( )
  jsmick | Jun 16, 2023 |
Another great novel in the series with Capt. Jack Aubrey and his surgeon friend, Maturin. ( )
  kslade | Dec 8, 2022 |
Another cracking Aubrey-Maturin sea adventure ( )
  cbinstead | May 11, 2022 |
Good God these books are incredible. ( )
  BooksForDinner | Mar 20, 2020 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Patrick O'Brianprimary authorall editionscalculated
Hunt, GeoffCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Tull, PatrickNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Vance, SimonNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Wiberg, CarlaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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Mariae sacrum.
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The long harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia on a long, long summer's day, and two frigates gliding in on the tide of flood under their topsails alone: the first, since she had belonged to the United States navy until a few days before, wore the Stars and Stripes under a white ensign; the second showed no more than her own shabby colours, for she was HMS Shannon, the winner in that short and bloody action with the Chesapeake.
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Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin are ordered home by dispatch vessel to bring the news of their latest victory to the government. But Maturin is a marked man for the havoc he has wrought in the French intelligence network in the New World, and the attention of two privateers soon becomes menacing. The chase that follows through the fogs and shallows of the Grand Banks is as tense, and as unexpected in its culmination, as anything Patrick O'Brian has written.

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