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Assassin's Quest (1997)

by Robin Hobb

Other authors: See the other authors section.

Series: Realm of the Elderlings (03 (Farseer 03)), The Farseer Trilogy (3)

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8,2791341,066 (4.09)1 / 177
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. From an extraordinary voice in fantasy comes the stunning conclusion to the Farseer trilogy, as FitzChivalry confronts his destiny as the catalyst who holds the fate of the kingdom of the Six Duchies...and the world itself. King Shrewd is dead at the hands of his son Regal. As is Fitz-or so his enemies and friends believe. But with the help of his allies and his beast magic, he emerges from the grave, deeply scarred in body and soul. The kingdom also teeters toward ruin: Regal has plundered and abandoned the capital, while the rightful heir, Prince Verity, is lost to his mad quest-perhaps to death. Only Verity's return-or the heir his princess carries-can save the Six Duchies. But Fitz will not wait. Driven by loss and bitter memories, he undertakes a quest: to kill Regal. The journey casts him into deep waters, as he discovers wild currents of magic within him-currents that will either drown him or make him something more than he was.… (more)
  1. 00
    Melforger (Volume 1) by David Lundgren (penga_librarian)
    penga_librarian: Both books explore the use of magic that requires effort on the part of the practitioner, and have young main characters who find themselves with unexpected abilities.
  2. 00
    Shapechangers by Jennifer Roberson (humouress)
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assolutamente non capisco le recensioni negative!!
questo libro è uguale agli altri due, non lento ma costante; e denso, di sensazioni, sentimenti e avvenimenti.
La fine della guerra delle navi rosse è sbrigata in due righe non perchè tirata via ma semplicemente perchè è finita e non c'è niente di piu da sapere.
Denerys ha vinto la sua guerra con un drago in una puntata, "Veritas" (o per meglio dire I Sei Ducati) che ne aveva dozzine puo ben metterci 2 righe

non riponde ad alcune domande perche ci sono altre 2 trilogie su Fitz ad aspettarci.

Che chiedere di piu ad un libro che si conclude con una vera fine ma anche con la promessa di altri 6 volumi ??
( )
  LLonaVahine | May 22, 2024 |
Love this series so much. I think this is about the third time I've read Hobb's Farseer trilogy. About to pick up the Liveship series. ( )
  punkinmuffin | Apr 30, 2024 |
This book took me 2 years to finish. No joke.

However, when I picked it up again and read the last 400 pages, it wasn't nearly as bad as I remembered. I'm not sure it was worth it to read the whole series, but now that I have I may continue on to the next series (The Tawny Man) that is supposed to follow. ( )
  mrbearbooks | Apr 22, 2024 |
Devastating F ( )
  isob | Feb 11, 2024 |
Again, a very good book by Robin Hobb. It continues in the style of her other assassin books, and explains more about how everything has come to pass. The ending is good and satisfying, I just found that the life Fitz chooses for himself in the wrap-up is a bit disappointing. It doesn't seem like him somehow. ( )
  zjakkelien | Jan 2, 2024 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Robin Hobbprimary authorall editionscalculated
Boehmer, PaulNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Howe, JohnCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Santikko, SauliTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Whelan, MichaelCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Youll, StephenCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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For the very real Kat Ogden Who threatened at an early age, to grow up and be a tap dancing, fencing, jodoka, movie star, archaeologist, and president of the United States. And is getting frigheningly close to the end of her list. Never mistake the movie for the book.
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I awake every morning with ink on my hands.
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The French versions of the Farseer trilogies splits the original books in various ways. Please be careful while combining and check the listing on Wikipedia.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. From an extraordinary voice in fantasy comes the stunning conclusion to the Farseer trilogy, as FitzChivalry confronts his destiny as the catalyst who holds the fate of the kingdom of the Six Duchies...and the world itself. King Shrewd is dead at the hands of his son Regal. As is Fitz-or so his enemies and friends believe. But with the help of his allies and his beast magic, he emerges from the grave, deeply scarred in body and soul. The kingdom also teeters toward ruin: Regal has plundered and abandoned the capital, while the rightful heir, Prince Verity, is lost to his mad quest-perhaps to death. Only Verity's return-or the heir his princess carries-can save the Six Duchies. But Fitz will not wait. Driven by loss and bitter memories, he undertakes a quest: to kill Regal. The journey casts him into deep waters, as he discovers wild currents of magic within him-currents that will either drown him or make him something more than he was.

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Book description
The gripping finale to Robin Hobb's classic Farseer trilogy.
Keystone. Gate. Crossroads. Catalyst.Fitz is about to discover the truth about the Fool's prophecy. Having been resurrected from his fatal tortures in Regal's dungeons, Fitz has once more foiled Regal's attempts to be rid of him.Now, back in his own body, and after months of rehabilitation, Fitz begins the painful and slow process of learning the ways of a man again. Under the watchful eye of Burrich, old King Shrewd's Stablemaster, Fitz must learn to cast off the wild but carefree ways of the wolf and enter once more the human world: a world beset ever more viciously by the relentless Red Ship Raiders who are now left free to plunder any coastal town they please. But more immediately, a world in which he finds he is utterly alone.Regal has stripped the kingdom of its riches and retired to the inland city of Tradeford. Of Verity, on his quest to find the legendary Elderings, there has been no word; Molly, Kettricken and the Fool have all vanished.Unless Fitz can find Verity and help him in his quest, the Six Duchies will perish and there will be no safe place to live.
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