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The Story of the Other Wise Man (1895)

by Henry Van Dyke

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Because he is helping others, a fourth Wise Man delays journeying with the other Magi to see the newborn Jesus, but thirty-three years later he has an unusual opportunity to meet his Savior.

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In a Nutshell: A classic novella about a fourth Magi, who discerns the heavenly signs correctly but gets delayed on his journey. A lovely read for classic fiction lovers. Will work even better if you know any of the gospels.


Story Synopsis:
Artaban is a young wise man, and one of the priests of the Magi. Using his knowledge of astrology, he discerns that the ancient prophecy about the birth of the redeemer is due to take place soon. He rushes to join his three fellow Magi, departing from another location, to look for the guiding star that will lead them to the newborn king. However, Artaban’s pilgrimage is beset with hurdles. Will he be able to fulfil his quest and find the saviour?
The story is written in the limited third person perspective of Artaban.

I had read a simplified adaptation of this story in one of my Christmas collections when I was a middle grader. Then I forgot all about the existence of this tale. While looking up Christmas short stories online, I found this title and my mind immediately went into nostalgia mode. In a way, this can be termed a reread, but to be fair, this was my first time reading the unabridged version.

My reading experience was pretty good, though not as satisfying as I had expected. The story is, of course, perfect for the season. It conveys what the true Christian spirit is all about, summed up in the golden rule of ‘Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you.’

This novella was originally published in 1895, and the writing reflects the era. The style is typically classic, with extended descriptions of the location. I might have enjoyed the tale more had the descriptions been less verbose. But the detailing of the setting and the atmosphere is so much that the core plot gets obscured at times.

To Christian readers who enjoy classic works, this story ought to be a beautiful experience. I feel you'll appreciate the writing better if you are a believer, as it has many biblical references and only if you know the Bible will you be able to recognise those Easter eggs. (Easter eggs in a Christmas story – Just imagine!)

Even if you aren't aware of the gospels but are fond of classic short stories, you might like this one, but you could miss out on the deeper intent of the author as your understanding would be restricted to the words without getting their allusions.

All in all, a good enough read for those looking for a deeper and meaningful Christmas story with a strong religious flavour and description-intensive writing.

3.75 stars.

As this story is in the public domain, you can read it free of cost on various sites online. I read it from the below link:

Happy Christmas, everyone! ( )
  RoshReviews | Jul 26, 2024 |
100.00 ( )
  Mary_Charlotte | Oct 4, 2023 |
What a wonderful little book. It has become one of my Christmas favorites, right along with "A Christmas Carol". ( )
  MickeyMole | Oct 2, 2023 |
A short, though dated prose is a quick read in the holiday season. ( )
  Huba.Library | Nov 1, 2022 |
I had forgotten how moving and perfect this short story was. It encapsulates Christmas and all of its original meaning, and it reminds us without doubt that we are meant to worship through service to others.

Artaban answers the call of the prophecy that a king is to be born. Before his departure, his father says to him, ”But it is better to follow even the shadow of the best than to remain content with the worst. And those who would see wonderful things must often be ready to travel alone.” And Artaban does find himself traveling alone and facing the dilemma of how best to serve his God.

He encounters three trials that force him to choose between seeing the King he seeks and helping a person in mortal danger. All three times, he choses to help the human being.

”Only God the merciful knows whether I shall not lose the sight of the King because I tarried to show mercy.”

“I have spent for man that which was meant for God.

“And is not love the light of the soul?”

Artaban feels he has missed seeing the King, but he has seen Him far more clearly than the three of his brethren who complete the journey at Bethlehem. He arrives a moment too late in Jerusalem, but with Christ we cannot be too late, for He is with us and our journey is His. That Artaban receives his reward as he does in the end brought me to absolute tears.

Artaban endures three trials, and students of the Bible know that three is a very significant number. Not just because of the trinity, but also at many other junctures. Daniel prayed three times a day, Satan tempted Christ three times and was rejected, Christ prayed three times at Gethsemane, He rose from the grave after three days. There are many more examples, but Van Dyke did not choose the three gems or the three trials meaninglessly, they are meant to reflect Christ’s story as much as Artaban’s.

What a wonderful story and how special to read it at Christmas and remember why this season has so much importance for me.
( )
  mattorsara | Aug 11, 2022 |
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Who seeks for heaven alone to save his soul
May keep the path, but will not reach the goal;
While he who walks in love may wander far,
Yet God will bring him where the blessed are.
Wise men seek Him still today,

  Coming from afar

Wisdom ever leads their way

  Leaves her gate ajar.

Seek Him, then, from far or near;

  Come this Child to see,

Wisdom Leads and draws you here,

  Who would wise men be.

   - H.M.H.
First words
In the days when Augustus Caesar was master of many kings and Herod reigned in Jerusalem, there lived in the city of Ecbatana, among the mountains of Persia, a certain man named Artaban, the Median.
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Because he is helping others, a fourth Wise Man delays journeying with the other Magi to see the newborn Jesus, but thirty-three years later he has an unusual opportunity to meet his Savior.

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