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Finn Family Moomintroll (1948)

by Tove Jansson

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Series: Moomintrolls (3)

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2,529516,025 (4.28)110
It is spring in the valley and the Moomins are ready for adventure! Moomintroll and his friends Snufkin and Sniff find the Hobgoblin's top hat, all shiny and new and just waiting to be taken home. They soon realize that his is no ordinary hat; it can turn anything--or anyone--into something else!
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    Momo by Michael Ende (Anonymous user)

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Another one from my quest to read a load of Moomin books around the time we visited Finland and Moominworld. In this a mysterious hat is the central storyline and all the usual characters bobble in and out. It's excellent of course. ( )
  AlisonSakai | Feb 15, 2024 |
This was another re-read of a childhood favourite, and I found this one slightly more successful than 'Comet in Moominland' as the level of storytelling is more complex and can be enjoyed by adults.

It is spring in Moomin valley and the inhabitants of the Moomin house, which include long-term guests such as the Muskrat, Snufkin and the Hemulen, are waking from their winter hibernation. Before long, Moomin and his friends find a strange hat which sets off a sequence of events that connect the various chapters, which otherwise would be mostly self-contained short stories.

I loved this quirky sequence of tales, with the various fantasy elements including the darker ones of the hat's owner and the strange and threatening creature which arrives later on, in pursuit of two little creatures who have arrived with a suitcase. Moominmamma is completely unflappable, and always dependable, and Moominpappa, though more self absorbed with his memoirs and his fishing, does occasionally prove useful. The various characters are all delineated with their various quirks, and the author's powers of invention are inexhaustible, producing the strange Hattifatteners and other weird creatures. The only slight irritation is the rather stereotyped views of girls, but I will make allowances for that, given the publication date. So I rate this volume as a 5 star read. ( )
  kitsune_reader | Nov 23, 2023 |
I have loved this book since I was about 7 years old, and it is still fun to read now as an adult. ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
This childhood favorite was well worth the reread: if not for the tender and empathetic way that Jansson treats all her characters, then surely for the whimsical beauty of illustration and the raw imagination of plot. Also, this translation is full of quotes brilliant in their simplicity:
"It was a good day to start a journey; the crest of the hill beckoned to him in the sunshine, with the road winding up and disappearing on the other side to find a new valley, and then a new hill...." 142
"Oh, what wonderful feeling when you have eaten up everything, drunk everything, talked of everything and danced your feet off, to go home in the quiet hour before the dawn to sleep!" 169
I remember being terrified by these stories when I was younger, and now that I read them with a whole host of literary ideas bouncing around in my head, I have an idea for why they did so: they didn't follow Roald Dahl's ideas about children's literature being divided into a binary of absolute good and complete evil. Each monster that Jansson presents has an understandable motivation, and all are capable of reasoning and resolution. Her presentation of nature is full of danger and beauty but ultimately impartial to its occupants. Her choice of scale for the moomins is also important, I think; there is a peculiar danger when characters are less than a foot tall and at the mercy of their environment.
Yet for all these, and her tendency towards happy endings, Jansson does not shy away from issues that come up in childhood and never truly leave: jealousy, the complication of who should possess things, and the trouble of finding something to do with your days. I believe I will reread all the Moomin books. ( )
  et.carole | Jan 21, 2022 |
An absolutely wonderful set of stories. ( )
  wetdryvac | Mar 2, 2021 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Jansson, Toveprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Bruna, DickCover designersecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Järvinen, LailaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Kicherer, BirgittaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Polet, CoraTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Portch, ElizabethTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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One grey morning the first snow began to fall in Moomin Valley.
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Wikipedia in English (1)

It is spring in the valley and the Moomins are ready for adventure! Moomintroll and his friends Snufkin and Sniff find the Hobgoblin's top hat, all shiny and new and just waiting to be taken home. They soon realize that his is no ordinary hat; it can turn anything--or anyone--into something else!

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It is spring in the valley and the Moomins are ready for adventure! Moomintroll and his friends Snufkin and Sniff find the Hobgoblin's top hat, all shiny and new and just waiting to be taken home. They soon realize that his is no ordinary hat; it can turn anything--or anyone--into something else!

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