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The Spy Who Loved Me (1962)

by Ian Fleming, Vivienne Michel (Author)

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Series: James Bond novels (10), James Bond novels - Original Series (10)

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2,355496,703 (3.1)69
In this second adaptation of the Fleming novels… Bond is sent to New York City to investigate "Mr. Big", an agent of SMERSH and a criminal voodoo leader. With no time for superstition-and with the help of his colleague in the CIA, Felix Leiter, Bond tracks "Mr. Big" through the jazz joints of Harlem, to the everglades and on to the Caribbean, knowing that this criminal heavy hitter is a real threat. No one, not even the mysterious Solitaire, can be sure how their battle of wills is going to end…… (more)

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Quite a dissapointing read if you were looking for a spy thriller. Bond's role is minimal and workmanlike. If you approach the book as a 'romance' novel or a 'crime story' then it is all right, if dated. ( )
  Brazgo67 | Jan 23, 2024 |
A rather refreshing take on the James Bond timeline. ( )
  atrillox | Nov 27, 2023 |
I'm glad that I decided to go back and read this one, which I had previously skipped. Although Bond has an important role, this entry in the Bond series (#10) is quite different in style and content from the others. A first-person narrative of a girl just reaching adulthood in the early 1960s into whose life gangsters & violence (and eventually James Bond) suddenly erupt. ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
Fleming's macho fantasy writing really stumbles here where a female character is the narrator, and through her Fleming channels his one-dimensional views of women. ( )
  jklugman | Jun 24, 2023 |
As if Fleming writing for Bond wasn’t bad enough, now he’s trying from a female point of view. Not his strong suit...dreck. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
Showing 1-5 of 48 (next | show all)
To be clear: Fleming did like this novel, at least at first. Then he heard what the reviewers had to say, and he was so upset that he wanted to more or less disown it. The book is a departure from the rest of the James Bond novels—it’s narrated by a girl, for one thing (saints alive!), and James Bond only comes into the picture later on. Fleming wrote the book this way for a specific reason, but the reviews were bad.
added by elenchus | editlithub.com, Emily Temple (Jan 28, 2018)

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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Ian Flemingprimary authorall editionscalculated
Michel, VivienneAuthormain authorall editionsconfirmed
Kröner, JackTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
May, NadiaNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Stone, NickIntroductionsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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I was running away.
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In this second adaptation of the Fleming novels… Bond is sent to New York City to investigate "Mr. Big", an agent of SMERSH and a criminal voodoo leader. With no time for superstition-and with the help of his colleague in the CIA, Felix Leiter, Bond tracks "Mr. Big" through the jazz joints of Harlem, to the everglades and on to the Caribbean, knowing that this criminal heavy hitter is a real threat. No one, not even the mysterious Solitaire, can be sure how their battle of wills is going to end…

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(From back of book) Vivienne Michel is in trouble. Trying to escape her tangled past, she has run away to the American backwoods, winding up at the Dreamy Pines Motor Court. A far cry from the privileged world she was born to, the motel is also the destination of two hardened killers -- the perverse Sol Horror and the deadly Sluggsy Morant. When a coolly charismatic Englishman turns up, Viv, in terrible danger, is not just hopeful, but fascinated. Because he is James Bond, 007; the man she hopes will save her, the spy she hopes will love her...
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0.5 3
1 27
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2.5 27
3 128
3.5 27
4 96
4.5 6
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