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Live and Let Die (1954)

by Ian Fleming

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Series: James Bond novels (2), James Bond novels - Original Series (2)

MembersReviewsPopularityAverage ratingMentions
3,606813,605 (3.42)108
Fiction. Thriller. HTML:

When Agent 007 goes to Harlem, it's not just for the jazz. Harlem is the kingdom of Mr. Big, voodoo baron, black master of crime, and senior partner in SMERSH's grim company of death. As gold coins from a Jamaican pirate hoard start turning up in pawnshops in Harlem, M suspects the treasure is being used to finance SMERSH activity in America. Agent 007 is sent to New York to uncover Mr. Big's criminal operation.

Those Mr. Big cannot possess he crushes; those who cross him will meet painful ends, like his beautiful prisoner, Solitaire, and her lover, James Bond. Both are marked as victims in a trail of terror, treachery, and torture that leads from New York's black underworld to the shark-infested island in the sun that Mr. Big calls his own.

Bond realizes Big is one of the most dangerous men that he has ever faced, and no one, not even the mysterious Solitaire, can be sure how their battle of wills is going to end.

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Showing 1-5 of 75 (next | show all)
Cold War spy thriller featuring 007 and Mr. Big— the latter being the Black American voodoo supervillain smuggling pirate treasure in from Jamaica. Rory Kinnear was fine if a bit unenthusiastic at times but understandable given some of the racist stuff in there. ( )
  Tanya-dogearedcopy | Feb 2, 2024 |
I fully believe books are of their time and should remain as originally written, but have to admit even I blinked a time or two at the racist and sexist remarks. But then these books will never translate well to modern day, but such is the Bond universe, too. As a sign of the times, they have to be regarded as such, and no longer taken seriously. I also rolled my eyes when Bond faints from having a pinky finger broken. Fine, anyone might faint from pain, but Bond’s a secret agent and should have trained to withstand a certain amount of torture; later on in the book he undergoes worse with stolidness. This being only the second Bond instalment I’ve listened to, it amazes me how bad Bond is at blending in (also apparent in the films). It seems a running flaw of Fleming’s work that his undercover agent seldom truly works undercover. The reading was good to excellent in parts, though I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first book either through the reading or story. ( )
  SharonMariaBidwell | Jun 13, 2023 |
I think I’m expecting too much from these books. Not really what I thought Bond was. Not bad, but just not what I thought it was. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
Its not like the order of the books or reading all of the series matter too much, but my ocd side says I had to read it. After chapter 2 I hated that part of me that much more... ( )
  jmdavis413 | Apr 2, 2023 |
It's been a while since I read these. I don't remember them being plot-thin. This is the voodoo themed one set in New York City (rather than the movie's New Orleans) and Jamaica. Fleming's description of race is interesting and bit jarring to modern ears. Felix gets fed to the fishes -- I didn't recall this happening so early in the series. Like later Bond and virtually all "hero" stories, Mr. Big manages to kill many people around Bond, but fails to dispatch him directly. Instead he lectures Bond on his own genius and describes his creative plan to do him in. ( )
  Castinet | Dec 11, 2022 |
Showing 1-5 of 75 (next | show all)
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» Add other authors (23 possible)

Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Fleming, Ianprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Bonetti, NorahTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Follett, KenIntroductionsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Hayes, LyndonIllustratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Rintoul, DavidNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Welsh, LouiseIntroductionsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Whitfield, RobertNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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There are moments of great luxury in the life of a secret agent.
'Don't go stirring up trouble for us. This case isn't ripe yet. Until it is, our policy is "live and let live".'
Bond looked quizzically at Captain Dexter.
'In my job,' he said, 'when I come up against a man like this one, I have another motto. It's "live and let die".'
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Disambiguation notice
This work is by Ian Fleming.  Patrick Nobles is the editor of some editions.
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Wikipedia in English (1)

Fiction. Thriller. HTML:

When Agent 007 goes to Harlem, it's not just for the jazz. Harlem is the kingdom of Mr. Big, voodoo baron, black master of crime, and senior partner in SMERSH's grim company of death. As gold coins from a Jamaican pirate hoard start turning up in pawnshops in Harlem, M suspects the treasure is being used to finance SMERSH activity in America. Agent 007 is sent to New York to uncover Mr. Big's criminal operation.

Those Mr. Big cannot possess he crushes; those who cross him will meet painful ends, like his beautiful prisoner, Solitaire, and her lover, James Bond. Both are marked as victims in a trail of terror, treachery, and torture that leads from New York's black underworld to the shark-infested island in the sun that Mr. Big calls his own.

Bond realizes Big is one of the most dangerous men that he has ever faced, and no one, not even the mysterious Solitaire, can be sure how their battle of wills is going to end.


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Book description

Britain's key secret service agent against the dreaded Soviet murder organization SMERSH...Bond lives dangerously - he expects to be killed; he's no stranger to torture.

Meet MR BIG,

a huge American negro - master criminal, head of a Voodoo cult, high in the SMERSH guild of terror.


Mr Big's Inquisitor, an exotic Creole beauty with the power to read a man's mind.

Racing from a night-club in New York's Harlem to the shark-infested waters of the West Indies this power-packed James Bond adventure will set your nerves a-tingle!

Speed...tremendous zest...communicated excitement. Brrh!...how wincingly well Mr Fleming writes - SUNDAY TIMES
Haiku summary
Double Oh Seven
takes on a black criminal
with Voodoo powers.

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Average: (3.42)
0.5 1
1 18
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2 58
2.5 25
3 262
3.5 76
4 235
4.5 13
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