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Every Man, God's Man: Every Man's Guide to...Courageous Faith and Daily Integrity (The Every Man Series)

by Stephen Arterburn, Kenny Luck

Other authors: Rick Warren (Foreword), Mike Yorkey (Contributor)

Series: The Every Man Series

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3641172,295 (3.21)2
Perhaps you've read Every Man's Battle and have rejuvenated your commitment to sexual integrity - and now you're ready to take the next step toward spiritual maturity. Or, maybe this is your first encounter with the best-selling "Every Man" series. Regardless, you are about to discover life-changing encouragement and practical, man-to-man guidance in your Christian walk. Every Man, God's Man is tailor-made for any man who may feel incomplete in his commitment to God. It's for the man who wants to become even more authentic, more courageous, more intimate with God in every area of his life. It's for every man who desires to walk in true spiritual integrity every moment of every day. Like other books in the best-selling "Every Man" series, Every Man, God's Man boldly gets into your head, gives you hope, and equips you to persevere in your individual pursuit of God.… (more)

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This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
I got about halfway through this book before my interest waned. I have not been and avid follower of this series, and have a similar opinion for the entire genre. If you are interested in inspirational Christian books for men, this is for you. I guess I just find my inspiration elsewhere. ( )
  mbaland | Nov 24, 2012 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
This is a great book and I highly recommend it. The layout of the book makes for an easy read but the words inside are powerful. The premise of allowing a man to be used by God, to follow God, and enjoy the many blessings God offers is a much needed challenge.

For those that use the workbook, if it is your first time through the book, use the 12 week schedule. You'll benefit greatly from it. ( )
  cheetosrapper | May 26, 2012 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
The goal of "Every Man, God’s Man" by Stephen Arterburn and Kenny Luck is admirable and should be a book pursued by all Christian men. However, I found it difficult to relate to some of the examples and personal testimonies as I realized I must be quite different from the men these authors are. I could see how this would be a problem for many reading this book.

As noble as the intentions of the book may be, the lack of a gospel presentation and stressing of Christ as our Redeemer (making us into "God's man")--as opposed to our own physical and mental strength--causes me to worry that it might put the wrong idea in a reader's head.

I would only recommend this book to men mature in their faith and solid in biblical foundation. If you're not sure that is you, find a man in your life who is and possibly go through the book together as a study. ( )
  adameliot | Dec 7, 2011 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
Every Man, God's Man: Every Man's Guide to Courageous Faith and Daily Integrity
by Stephen Arterburn and Kenny Luck, with Mike Yorkey

Review by misterehmuseseh

This book is part of a series, of which the first 3 books were described by the authors as being "technical books... filled with strategies, plans and perspectives to help men overcome temptations, grow in sexual integrity and become truly intimate with their wives." But of Every Man God's Man, they say:
"This book is different. We're going to come alongside you and talk about what we see along the way to becoming God's man.
This isn't going to be as easy as it sounds. It's easy to be frank with a guy when you are talking about his penis or his wife. A man is attached to both. But for most men, God does not have the same kind of proximity. Men, in general, are not spiritually deep and don't posses the same connection to spiritual issues as they do to sexual and marital issues."

I found the book hard to get into. Even to open it up. But my reasons may be completely without any rational basis. It just "looked" unattractive. And the back cover blurb perhaps made it sound like it was promising all the answers and I am suspicious of those kinds of promises. BUT if it were to deliver what it promises then it is a great book.

AND I guess I have to admit that it really does go a long way in supplying the thoughts that could fulfill the promises... IF they are heeded.

So, here is the promise from the back cover:
"You are about to discover life-changing encouragement and practical man-to-man guidance in your Christian walk.
Every Man, God's Man is tailor made for any man who feels incomplete in his commitment to God. It's for the man who wants to become even more authentic , more courageous, more intimate with God in every area of his life. It's for every man who desires to walk in true spiritual integrity every moment of every day."

As I began the book I began to get the impression that apparently every man, (except me) are jocks and the two things that consume them must be sports and sex, (but not necessarily in that order.) Once I got over the idea that this must have to do with "relating" to real guys, and that maybe it really is true of "most guys" then I got on with the actual message.

For the man who wants to be 'God's Man" this will certainly address the issues. It gives the usual "spiritual" advice that we get in "inspirational" books concerning spiritual disciplines, but it goes beyond that. Besides telling us what to do to BE SPIRITUAL, it also tells us what to do to STOP being carnal. (I don't think they use that phrase anywhere, but that is how it strikes me as being "different") By giving many examples of fellows they have interacted with, and counselled, we see quite readily where we have the same issues that need to be dealt with. The authors encourage all the "spiritual exercises" but also expose all the subtle traps that the devil.. or our own lying hearts, can come up with that derail us from our objectives. Taken step by step, we do come to see, "what hinders us from running the race set before us", and gives hope that "we can overcome".

This edition of this book includes a "Workbook" that takes up 75 pages and is designed for personal and group consideration. The questions are arranged in such a way that they could be done in an 8 week or 13 week study session. (And based on each chapter.)

Overall, I would say that the book is in fact very penetrating, and perhaps explains on another level why I have found it hard to "get through" as I might most other books. Is there an element here that I just can't take in large doses? Does it do too good of a job, in searching out the real me, and my motives or ambitions? Or is it that it is just not the kind of book (and considerations) that one can run through without serious meditation... if the goal is really to become God's Man?

In any case, I can recommend the book. It is of value when read on my own as I am doing, and no doubt increases the value when shared among other men.. if honest discussion (and confession) can take place that allows the Holy Spirit to do His work of convincing and convicting and then building up.

As a process, and when the truths are accepted and put into practice, it should indeed go a long way in making "Every Man, God's Man".
  misterehmuseseh | Aug 12, 2011 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
I got this book as an early reviewer. I actually read it as a Mom of three teenage girls, and I regularly share with them the kind of qualities to look for in a godly husband--or even boyfriend; these are great resources and references that I can pinpoint for them. This one really wraps everything together in the end. Be sure to read the whole thing! ( )
  NQTBradyBunch | Jul 29, 2011 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Arterburn, Stephenprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Luck, Kennymain authorall editionsconfirmed
Warren, RickForewordsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Yorkey, MikeContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed

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Perhaps you've read Every Man's Battle and have rejuvenated your commitment to sexual integrity - and now you're ready to take the next step toward spiritual maturity. Or, maybe this is your first encounter with the best-selling "Every Man" series. Regardless, you are about to discover life-changing encouragement and practical, man-to-man guidance in your Christian walk. Every Man, God's Man is tailor-made for any man who may feel incomplete in his commitment to God. It's for the man who wants to become even more authentic, more courageous, more intimate with God in every area of his life. It's for every man who desires to walk in true spiritual integrity every moment of every day. Like other books in the best-selling "Every Man" series, Every Man, God's Man boldly gets into your head, gives you hope, and equips you to persevere in your individual pursuit of God.

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