
All collections (9,422), Your library (7,341), Fiction (1,741), Nonfiction (2,527), Comics and picture books (897), AY (274), not f or nf (239), ephemera (747), Sheet Music (227), Nature Guidebooks (298), Cookery (245), Mom's books (524), Stored (523), Not On Shelf (148), No longer owned (873), Wishlist (133)
_read (2,830), ~oldadmin:no where from (1,865), sf (1,736), ~oldadmin:moved (1,661), _not to read (1,540), _paperback (1,269), ~oldadmin:wrong cover (1,125), ~oldadmin:series (1,057), ~oldadmin:zzyzz (977), @parascience (821), ~oldadmin:no longer owned (726), ~oldadmin:2013keepch (697), @appliedscience (644), comics (641), ~oldadmin:stored (635), nonfiction (631), $pbto (528), young adult (520), science fiction (491), fmk (477), fantasy (465), @socialscience (434), ~oldadmin:shelved:pbf (400), $pbda (393), parascience (389), _hardcover (371), _folio (358), _anthology (352), ~oldadmin:primary collection (344), @naturalscience (324), 2019shelve (312), $bcpb (311), ~oldadmin:dontask (309), coloring books (263), @language (253), _topnf (249), america (247), ~goodreads2015 (241), _old books (236), star trek (233), series (227), guidebooks (221), history (217), mystery (209), $yapb (206), stratemeyer syndicate (201), humor (194), how-to (192), classic (178), ~read 2014 (177), fkmseries (175), britain (165), ~no where from (157), _booklets (157), field guides (156), divers peoples (156), poetry (151), nature (150), ~genre (150), mad science (150), newspaper (148), children (145), $matched sets (145), fanfic (142), @bought new (138), ~read2016 (138), _blank books (135), patterns (116), h900 (116), picture books (114), _pretty (113), $lhc (113), tos (106), 20th century (104), crafting (104), manga (104), sheet music (103), _maa (101), ~oldadmin:artbooks (100), religion (99), ~leftoverf (97), historical (94), politics (91), self-sufficiency (91), $box6pbto (91), @uncles (89), medieval (88), christianity (86), 19th century (85), language (83), $box1pbto (83), maps (82), ~oldadmin:special ya (81), plain cookery (81), piano (81), science (81), death disaster crime (80), $nos (80), recipes (80), ~oldadmin:beach forties (80), anthropology (78), _needs scan (77), folklore (77), gender variance (76), ~read2008 (76), ~oldadmin:great giveaway (74), ~oldadmin:box1 (74), bobbsey twins (73), ~st:tos:numbered (69), dover (69), textbooks (68), $box2pbto (67), arthuriana (67), _mmpb (67), ~katy's house (67), _large paperback (67), 2019cull (67), ~oldadmin:shelf:ps2 (65), ~oldadmin:2013 great giveaway (65), maryland (64), american indian (63), aliens (62), christmas (62), mythology (61), _omnibus (60), $box5pbto (59), biology (59), local (58), fairy tales (58), ~oldadmin:shelf:ps4 (58), ~oldadmin:started to read (58), _translation (57), ~st box 1 (57), $box8pbto (57), ~oldadmin:box8 (57), ~oldadmin:shelf:art1 (57), sailing (57), anthro (57), piano music (57), ~oldadmin:shelf:ps1 (56), ~oldadmin:shelf:ps3 (56), $box3pbto (55), ~oldadmin:attic books (55), art (54), $box4pbto (54), ~st box 2 (54), dragons (53), renaissance (53), music (53), @christmas2007 (53), ~claimed frek (52), @christmas2005 (52), sword and sorcery (51), women (51), play (51), ~st box 3 (51), ~claimed (50), _poetry (49), math (49), psi-fi (48), _covercheck (47), ~oldadmin:duplicate (47), ~oldadmin:pennsicxl (47), magic (47), doonesbury (47), romance (47), games and rhymes (47), biography (46), ~oldadmin:tpb (46), activities (46), _dd13 (46), $socialscience (46), lcchallenge (44), europe (44), ~meh (44), superheroes (43), ghosts (43), fiber (43), @dad's (43), philosophy (43), victorian (43), $box7pbto (43), encyclopedia (42), kingship (42), space opera (42), ~oldadmin:shelf:ya1 (41), urban fantasy (40), costume (40), liberal (39), ~oldadmin:special reference (39), painting (39), ~oldadmin:box6 (39), ~st box 4 (38), witchcraft (38), wwii (38), other (38), divination (38), architecture (38), forteana (38), archaeology (38), drawing (37), ~oldadmin:bad cover (37), public domain (36), ~oldadmin:language and literature (36), fmkf (36), cats (35), dinosaurs (35), sacred texts (35), ~oldadmin:shelf:psf (35), pre-golden age (35), 1960s (35), western (35), 1930s (35), ~claimed synecdochic (35), england (35), fmk22 (33), animals (33), africa (32), ufology (32), exploration (32), geography (32), _not in english (32), zane grey (32), _periodical (32), pirates (32), plants (31), age of sail (31), shipwreck (31), quest fantasy (30), psychology (30), time travel (30), 1950s (30), 1970s (30), colonization (30), ecology (30), japan (30), ~oldadmin:box5 (30), france (30), psi (30), ~oldadmin:nano10 (30), cryptozoology (30), immortality (29), folk tales (28), dcu (28), little people (28), _dd5 (28), fmkk (28), _dd10 (28), crank (28), _dd9 (28), cookery (28), _dd11 (28), discworld (28), geology (28), ~moved (27), physics (27), design (27), cyberpunk (27), fmkr (26), paracosm (26), technology (26), spies (26), 18th century (26), _dd12 (26), _dd8 (25), art collection (25), dogs (25), new age (25), gd15 (25), ~oldadmin:missing (25), 1800s (25), post-apocalyptic (25), race (25), sociology (25), shakespeare (24), colonial america (24), epic (24), death (24), walking (24), place (24), ancient greece (24), _dd3 (24), celtic (24), _dd2 (24), lost colonies (24), holmesiana (24), _dd6 (23), penguin classics (23), _spanish language (23), astronomy (23), egypt (23), time-life (23), mars (22), writing (22), burroughs (22), _really want (22), _duplicate (22), crime (22), sex (22), ancient rome (22)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Oct 8, 2005
About My Library
This house is full of books. I personally rarely buy one that costs more than $.50, but considering the number of flea markets, used book sales, and thrift stores I frequent, that doesn't actually limit the number. Books with the SF or YA tag are actually in my and my sister's combined collection; someday Mom will get sick of having it in her house and we will have to split it up. We'll probably need to hire a divorce lawyer. Books with the Uncles tag were duplicate copies given to us by our uncles, who have even more ridiculously large SF collections than we do, but don't waste nearly as much time online. Books with the 'parascience' tag are in my library of occult/folklore/paranormal/mystical/anomalist/mythology/pseudoscience/religion/etc volumes. The others should be self-explanatory.

c. 2017 I am in the middle of a major inventory/weeding project so am discovering all sorts of new capabilities on LT. Also I am letting people on the internet vote on what to read next off my unread fiction pile, which you can do every week under the fmk tag.

Skstarwars, currently working on outgrowing its free account, tracks my sister's and my ongoing attempt to own every Star Wars book ever published. (Ten years ago we tried to do that with Star Trek, but quit and passed the collection on to our mother.)
About Me
A simple thirty something doing her best to avoid Real Life. Books have always been my drug of choice.

ETA: Friending policy (alas for the days when this was one site that didn't need one!) I like friends, but I am a fairly introverted person, and I'm much more likely to reply to a friend request if I know why you want to be friends - if I've never met you (or don't know you by your lt name) it's probably not a bad idea to leave me a comment saying hi while you're at it. Feel free to add me to watch lists or interesting libraries whenever you like, though! That takes no effort on my part. :D
Also On
Currently Reading
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Local Favorites

Bookstores: Twilite Zone Comics

Libraries: Anne Arundel County Public Library - Odenton Regional Library, Anne Arundel County Public Library - Severn Community Library

Other: National Book Festival, Goodwill - Millersville, Ann Arrundell County Historical Society Book Sale, Capclave 2009, Baltimore Comic-Con 2008, Blue Ridge Hospice Purcellville Thrift Shop, Natural History Society of Maryland

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Interesting Library