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116+ Works 1,156 Members 13 Reviews

About the Author

Cyprian was born and educated in traditional Roman religion. Two years after his conversion in 246, he became bishop of Carthage, the provincial capital. Beginning in 250, his diocese was faced with the Decian persecutions (250--251). Cyprian fled the city, subjecting himself to intense criticism show more and ruled his diocese from exile. During his absence many Christians lapsed from their faith, and many more obtained libelli pacis libelli pacis, government-issued certificates stating that they had sacrificed to the Roman divinities to avoid punishment. Much of Cyprian's extant correspondence deals with the reconciliation between the church and these lapsi (apostates). Critical issues included the necessity for re-baptism and the status of reconciled clergy. The most important principle was that a cleric who had apostatized was regarded as not in communion with the larger church and could not baptize or ordain. This issue was to haunt Christianity in North Africa and in Egypt (a separate Roman province) and lead to the Donatist and Melitian schisms, in their respective provinces, in the fourth and fifth centuries. Cyprian's intransigence regarding unity with the church led to his dictum: "Outside the Church there is no salvation." During the Valerianic persecutions in 258, he was martyred at Carthage. His writings are known for their attention to martyrs, ministry, and the sacraments. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Image © ÖNB/Wien

Works by Cyprian

Treatises (1958) 40 copies
Letters (1-81) (1964) 29 copies
Lord's Prayer: A Commentary (1983) 22 copies
Born to a new life (1991) 14 copies
EPISTOLARI I (1929) 8 copies
EPISTOLARI -VOL II (2011) 8 copies
Correspondance (2002) 6 copies
Cartas (1998) 5 copies
Epistolari (1929) 3 copies
Lettere vol. 2 - 51-81 (2006) 3 copies
Lettere vol. 1 - 1-50 (2006) 3 copies
L' unita della Chiesa (2006) 2 copies
La jalousie et l'envie (2008) 2 copies
Trattati (2004) 1 copy
Partage avec le pauvre (1998) 1 copy
Opera 1 copy
Szent Cyprianus művei (1999) 1 copy
Jealousy and Envy (1992) 1 copy
Le lettere 1 copy

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

Date of death
Roman North Africa
Country (for map)
Place of death
Carthage, Africa, Roman Empire



Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
Cipriano de Cartago, primeiro bispo africano mártir, escreveu em resposta a questões pontuais surgidas durante o difícil decênio de seu episcopado. A conduta das virgens exorta ao cuidado com a vaidade e os vícios. Em Os lapsos, Cipriano afronta a questão daqueles cristãos que negaram a própria fé durante uma das perseguições do Império Romano e que não deviam ser readmitidos na comunidade sem passar pela disciplina eclesiástica. A unidade da Igreja católica exorta os fiéis a não abandonar o único rebanho de Cristo para seguir aqueles que dele se separaram. A oração do Senhor é um comentário ao Pai-Nosso, síntese da fé cristã. A mortalidade, composto em meio a uma peste, admoesta os cristãos a não temer a morte. As boas obras e a esmola incita os fiéis a fazer o bem: a salvação recebida no batismo deve desdobrar-se em caridade constante, que é feita principalmente ao próprio Deus. O bem da paciência convida a imitar a paciência de Deus em meio às dificuldades deste mundo.… (more)
AdaileJosy | Jun 12, 2021 |
On the Unity of the Church is a tract by St. Cyprian of Carthage discussing the meaning and importance of a unified Church. He argues that in an age in which heresies and schisms are widespread, it is more important than ever to resist the urge to splinter and to remain attached to the true faith. He goes on to explain why and how the true faith cannot be torn asunder and why it is equally important to to leave it. A bit more accessible than some of my more recent Lenten patristics reading, I found it quite interesting.… (more)
inge87 | Mar 23, 2015 |
Just love his introduction to this treatise, which he wrote after the harvest and having some time for profound reflection on the holy Christian Church, sitting in the warm autumn sun, out of the wind and in view of the vineyards and rolling hilltops. Doing theology is the best occupation!
Wilhelm_Weber | Apr 29, 2011 |

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